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Page:United States Army Field Manual 3-13 Information Operations.djvu/53

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lnfammlicn Operations El|m•n¤ Ind Ralahd Adixdtids · Deploy PA assets early. Thu media may bu in thu AO beibru Army fumes arrivu and may hu wcll established there. Media iuuzrem is in- cunsc during initial force deployment amd the unset uf operations. PA assets am: needed at the earliest stages to ensum e!L"s>ctivc IO, • Practice security at the source, Any thrm of field censorship is impmctitml technically und unacrepmblv politiccally. All soldiers and Army vivilinns are trained and provided with PA guidance {br potential inwraction with civilian media. Family members arc provided with guidance in dunling with the uivihun media. Even so, the standard is not to share any information thm by policy nr luw is deemed inap- propriate for release. · Speak with one voice, PA assets are integrated an ull echcltms. Cum~ manders train soldiers tu talk only about whar they know within their own responsibilities and not to speculate about other areas.

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 V, mismrorirmldn,_an¤_rp¤§<;r13i;¤I'_disirforn1arion`a¢home slaticqnl The Grtand PA crN'icer_ if .

¤ 7 .`—. s•1¤r¤¤ r¤s¤¤·¤;¤¤¤n·y¢¤¤·¤¤·¤¤i¤¤ v¤¤¤j¢v»¤¤¤f¤*¤¤¤¤s» `*‘¤¤ asswed ¤*¤¤*¤,;¤¤v~ V G i · >€¤¤’¤§¤¤¤Fvidé¤ <¤F¤¤¤¤T°*°”°°$·’¥*?°`¤¤K¤m¤¤s?i¤¤ Qvvwi x>¢*$¤¤€=¤•Py as¥$i¤¤·~ ‘V*’¥¤#* BN': 1 ’ ‘ j {ha n;m¤r$’¤m=1<;\n¤re?', He then, wqqidéd afxswérs ta me vamnytwagmss, F ,——` _§ ; igibgkp representatives, spwsési qcmmunity representatives; Vigiao telsmnw E I; f¤v¤¤¤¢¤ $¥i¢h'¤€m°$¤.i¤¤¤FP°*¤**$~¤$P¤¤iS’¤T;P¢\ ¤¤¤`_w¤vw¤c¤¤#¤¤¤¤¤¢¤yT¤¤v 餷> i.»` ’ *.—`` _.`` ons' ccmizigndévs tis; to mqi1¤ain*me initiative-in the i”?¤¤T*¤*$¤n`emisdr» .,`’ _ . V ’.,_ E%—Q¤>¤·•*~¢ V: li .»V_ ,  » ’’._- e `’.. Z · ’.V`.· , f ».¢. 1 _; ‘ wi »»....i V , —.—.‘ I FE 2408. PA peuwnmcl help mmntandcrs shape the- intbrmzxtion cnvimnmcnt by prcpzxdng mmmaud themes and muesngus, and mmduucing media analysis. Command Lhmms und messages support IO by ununmdng enemy pr<»p;zgnnd:n and d.isinQu·mmiun, highlighting the Qurcu eiihczivunuss, and quickly ruspourling cu mistakes or failures. Disseminaxing Lhum thmuglnnut the farce allows contacts with tzmgut audiences by any element uf Lhu Quan Ln be an oppununicics to reinforce that image. Conveying consistent messages tu local populations is especially important dming peace; operations and some support operations. These messages should be updated m keep them relevant to the situation, PA personnel create aa media analysis plan for Later assessment of outputs, They do this in the txmtext of agreed-uptan themes and command dimctivcs. 2·23