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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/13

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Letter from the Hon. Henry Clay.

"Ashland, December 4, 1843.

"My Dear Sir: I have received your favour, transmitting to me a programme of a complete edition of the laws of the United States, which you propose to collect and publish, and to stereotype. I believe the wants of the community, of the courts, and of the bar, require such a work; and the plan of executing it which you propose can have no higher recommendation than that which Judge Story has given it. I would add my individual wish that your index may be as full and perfect as that which is contained in the judge’s edition of the Statutes."

Letter from the Hon. John Kennedy, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

"Philadelphia, December 14, 1843.

"Dear Sir: Having looked over your prospectus of a publication of the Statutes of the United States at large, I feel myself bound to say that the plan, as it strikes me, is admirably well adapted to meet every reasonable wish that either individuals or the public could have on the subject. I cannot but express my full and entire approbation of it; and permit me also to add, that I have the most full and entire confidence that the execution of the work in your hands will be at least equal to all that is promised. It is certainly a work of considerable magnitude, and will be attended with a vast expense as well as labour on your part; and as the advantage to be derived from it will be immensely important and valuable, I therefore hope that you will not only be indemnified, but liberally rewarded by the patronage of a generous public."

Letter from the Hon. Thomas Sergeant, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

"Philadelphia, December 7, 1843.

"Dear Sir: The plan of publishing the Statutes of the United States, contained in the proposals enclosed in your letter, I should think the best that can be suggested for such a work, considering it in reference either to present use or permanent preservation; and I do not doubt but that your well known professional talents and long experience in judicial publications will ensure to it that accuracy in editing and excellence in printing which a work of this character requires."

Letter from the Hon. Molton C. Rogers, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

"Dear Sir: I am pleased to learn that you propose to publish an edition of the Laws of the United States, on a plan which cannot fail to be useful. I have read your prospectus with attention, and if carried out as you design, and of that I can entertain no doubt, it will meet the patronage of the profession and of Congress, who will lend their efficient aid and countenance to a work which will most materially contribute to a knowledge of the laws of the Union, so indispensable to the citizens of the United States."

Letter from the Hon. Samuel R. Betts, District Judge of the Eastern District of New York.

"New York, December 5, 1843.

"Sir: I received your favour of the 30th ultimo, enclosing a prospectus of an edition of the Laws of the United States. I sincerely hope the project may be carried into execution, and that so important a work may secure you an adequate remuneration.

"I think a reprint of the statutes in full decidedly to be preferred to any other mode of publication. Abridgments, or mere indexes, are convenient for hasty consultation, but the entire act must be examined before its spirit or parts can be justly appreciated.

"The arrangement of the acts, with a view to present in connection those relating to the same subjects, has advantages; yet, in investigating a point, the apprehension that something has been omitted will necessarily lead to searches through the entire series of legislation, notwithstanding such juxtaposition of particular statutes, by a compiler or editor of the highest learning and reputation.

"I am persuaded it is the safest and more satisfactory course to publish the laws in the order of their passage. That is not unfrequently an essential element to their proper interpretation. Until they are codified or remodelled by the legislature, I believe they can be furnished in no form so useful as in the order of their enactment."
