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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/14

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Letter from the Hon. Matthew Harvey, District Judge of the United States for New Hampshire.

"Hopkinton, December 16, 1843.

"Dear Sir: I have examined a prospectus of an edition of the Laws of the United States, which you propose to publish, and I think it must meet the entire approbation of every one who feels the least interest in a work of this kind. The labour which would be saved by it to all executive and judicial officers, as well as to gentlemen of the legal profession, and members of Congress, is beyond calculation.

"There are few persons, I imagine, whose duty has required them to make frequent references to the Laws of the United States, who have not been embarrassed and confused, if not sometimes perplexed, from causes which would be entirely removed by this work.

"No one, who will compare for a moment the vast superiority of this over any arrangement or edition of the laws we have ever had, can doubt its necessity, its value, and great public importance.

"In my estimation, the work has a claim upon all patronage, both public and private. It should become a national work."

Letter from the Hon. Samson Mason, of Ohio.

"Springfield, December 12, 1843.

"My Dear Sir: I have examined the plan on which you propose to publish the Statutes of the United States at large; and if executed, as I doubt not it will be, in conformity with the principles you have laid down, the work could not fail to be eminently useful, and greatly superior, in my judgment, to any of the kind heretofore attempted. It would well deserve, as I hope it would receive, the patronage of both government and people. The want of such a work is, I am sure, extensively felt."

Letter from David B. Ogden, Esq., New York.

"New York, December 1, 1843.

"My Dear Sir: I have received your letter of the 27th of November, enclosing your prospectus for the publication of an edition of the Statutes of the United States. I have no hesitation in saying, that in my opinion the publication of the statutes upon the plan proposed by you will be one of great use to gentlemen of the bar, upon investigations into the laws of the United States, which must be much facilitated by it."

Letter from the Hon. A. Conkling, District Judge of the United States for the Western District of New York.

"Melrose, near Auburn, December 6, 1843.

"Sir: Your letter, enclosing your prospectus of an edition of the Laws of the United States, was received two days ago. The plan of the proposed work, as stated in the prospectus, appears to me excellent; and I have no doubt that the work, if well executed and correctly printed, will be highly useful."

Letter from the Hon. John M. Clayton, of Delaware.

"Newcastle, December 5, 1843.

"Dear Sir: I have read with great pleasure your proposal to publish an edition of the Statutes at large of the United States. This is, indeed, a desideratum. Every public man now feels the want of such a work. The plan is excellent, and the undertaking richly merits national patronage."

Letter from the Hon. J. L. Pettigru, of South Carolina.

"MILLEDGEVILLE, December 9, 1843.

"Dear Sir: Your favour of 27th of November has been forwarded to me at this place.

"It gives me pleasure to see that you propose to publish a new edition of the Statutes of the United States. Such a work is called for by the accumulation of new enactments since the last edition was put out, under the auspices of Judge Story; and the improvements which you propose upon the plan of former editions will give to a new edition great additional value.

"Your plan appears to me most judiciously arranged; and such a work as you propose, executed with the advantages of your experience, will speedily supersede any existing compilation of the acts of Congress. It is to be hoped that a work of such obvious utility will not languish for the want of public patronage."