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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/711

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Sec. 22.The commissioners may revive the valuations. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners, as aforesaid, shall have power, on consideration and examination of the abstracts to be rendered by the assessors, as aforesaid, and of the lists aforesaid, to revise, adjust and vary, the valuations of lands and dwelling-houses in any assessment district, by adding thereto, or deducting therefrom, such a rate per centum, as shall appear to be just and equitable: Relative valuations not to be changed.Provided, that the relative valuations of the different lots or tracts of land, or dwelling-houses, in the same assessment district, shall not be changed or affected: Provided, nevertheless,If manifest error, &c. appear in the abstracts they may require the assessors to correct them, &c. that if manifest error or imperfection shall appear in any of the said abstracts, the commissioners shall and may require of the assessors, that the said abstracts be explained and corrected, and shall and may remove from office, any and all of the said assessors, and otherwise proceed against them according to this act; and if necessary, in the opinion of a majority of the commissioners, convened in a general meeting, a new valuation may be directed, and after such valuations shall have been completed and confirmed, in the manner prescribed by this act, the said commissioners shallAbstracts and lists to be transmitted to the Treasury. cause the aforesaid abstracts and lists to be transmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury; in default of which, they shall severally forfeit and pay, for the use of the United States, two hundred dollars, to be recovered with costs of suit, in any court having competent jurisdiction.

Sec. 23.The commissioners shall and may direct the principal assessors to record the lists, &c. and add to or deduct from the valuations.
Supervisors and inspectors to depute a person in each assessment district to be surveyor of the revenue.
And be it further enacted, That the said commissioners, as aforesaid, shall and may direct the principal assessors of each assessment district, to register and record the lists, valuations and enumerations made by the assessors, as aforesaid; and to add to, or deduct from the valuations of the lands and dwelling-houses of each individual, such a rate per centum, as shall be determined by the commissioners, as aforesaid.

Sec. 24. And be it further enacted, That after the valuations, enumerations, and records thereof, shall have been completed, according to this act, it shall be lawful for the supervisors of districts comprehending but one survey of inspection, and the inspectors of surveys in districts comprehending more than one survey of inspection, with the concurrence of the supervisors of such districts, to depute one skilful and fit person, in each assessment district, to be surveyor of the revenue; and every surveyor of the revenue, so appointed, shall give bond, with surety, in a sum not less than five hundred nor more than two thousand dollars, for the diligent and faithful execution of his office, and shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, truly, faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties enjoined by this act; and a certificate of the said oath or affirmation, with the said bond, shall be transmitted to, and lodged in the office of the supervisor of the district.

Sec. 25.Surveyors of the revenue to receive the records of the lists, &c.
Their duty on sale or division of lands, &c.
And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the surveyors of the revenue to receive and safely preserve the records of the lists, valuations and enumerations herein before mentioned; and the said surveyors shall keep true and exact accounts of the valuation of the lands and dwelling-houses belonging to each and every individual, distinguishing each tract, lot and dwelling-house. And whenever any lands or dwelling-houses, included in the said valuation, shall be alienated, or in any way transferred, it shall be the duty of the surveyor of the revenue for the district, if a dwelling-house, or an entire tract or lot has been alienated, to charge the amount of the valuation thereon, to an account with the purchaser, and to credit the account of the person disposing of the same; and whenever a tract of land, lot, or dwelling-house, shall be divided by sale or partition, the said surveyor shall by entry and view of the said land or dwelling-house, or by other lawful ways and means, inform himself of the relative value of the different parts of the original tract or lot, or dwelling-house so divided, and shall apportion the value of the entire tract or lot, or dwelling-house, as shall be just