Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/712

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and equitable; and shall enter and record the same, in manner aforesaid. On the erection of new dwelling-houses, &c. or the ceasing of property to be exempted from taxation, under the state laws;And whenever, and so often as a new dwelling-house shall be erected and inhabited, after the first day of October next, or any dwelling-houses or lands, which, at the time of making the said valuation, shall be exempted from taxation by the laws of the state where the same shall be situated, shall cease to be so exempted, the said surveyors shall and may, in their respective districts, proceed to value and assess the same, in like manner, and on the principles herein before prescribed, in respect to valuations of dwelling-houses and lands, and shall add the same to the valuations to be made by assessors, as aforesaid. and on a house being destroyed or damaged by accident.And whenever, and so often as any dwelling-house shall be destroyed or damaged, by fire, or other accident, it shall be lawful for the surveyors to cancel the valuations thereon, if such house be wholly destroyed; or if such house be merely damaged or impaired, to reduce the valuation thereon, to such sum as shall be just and equitable: Provided,Proviso. that no change of the valuation of any dwelling-house, shall be valid, until the same shall have been approved by the inspector of the survey, or the supervisor of the district, if comprehending but one survey of inspection.

Sec. 26.On receiving warrants, surveyors of the revenue shall enumerate slaves, report the number and value of houses, &c. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the surveyors of the revenue, whenever they shall receive precepts or warrants for that purpose, from the inspectors of surveys, or the supervisors of districts comprehending but one survey of inspection, to enumerate any and all slaves in their respective districts above the age of twelve and under the age of fifty years, except such as from fixed infirmity, or bodily disability, may be incapable of labour, as aforesaid, and to report the number thereof, as also the number of houses, with the valuations thereof, respectively, and the valuation of any and all lands, and also to compute and state the taxes which may be due and payable by each and every individual; and to deliver true and correct lists thereof, to the persons who may be appointed to receive the same.

Sec. 27.They shall submit their books, &c. to inspection, and grant copies. And be it further enacted, That the said surveyors of the revenue shall, at all times, submit the inspection of their books and records, to the supervisors and inspectors of the internal revenues of the United States, or to any person authorized and deputed by the Secretary of the Treasury, for that purpose; and shall, moreover, grant and certify copies or transcripts therefrom, to any persons who shall apply for the same, and who shall previously tender or pay the fees hereafter allowed and established therefor.

Sec. 28. Compensations. And be it further enacted, That the following compensations shall be allowed to the commissioners, clerks and assessors aforesaid, for services to be performed under this act.

To commissioners.To each commissioner, one hundred and fifty dollars, in addition to an allowance of three dollars per diem, for each and every day, in going to, attending at, and returning from any general meeting of the said commissioners, or in visiting the several assessment districts, in pursuance of any resolution of the said commissioners.

To clerks.To each clerk of the commissioners, a compensation for the time they may be employed, not exceeding the rate of five hundred dollars per annum.

To assistant assessors.To each assessor, other than principal assessors, one dollar and fifty cents per diem, for every day employed in collecting lists; and also one dollar per diem for every day employed in arranging the said lists, and making the valuations and enumerations.

To principal assessors.To each principal assessor, one dollar and fifty cents for every day employed in receiving and arranging lists, and hearing appeals, and in recording the lists, valuations and enumerations aforesaid. and corresponding with commissioners: Charges for books and stationery.and in addition to the said allowances and compensations, the said commissioners and assessors shall be allowed their necessary and reasonable charges for books and stationery: and