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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/716

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instituted and determined.

ner prescribed by the act, passed on the third day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, intituled “An act to provide more effectually for the settlement of accounts between the United States and receivers of public money;”Ante, p. 512.
What shall be evidence.
and in all suits instituted against an inspector of any survey, or collector of the revenue, transcripts from the books of the supervisor of the proper district, or copies of any papers or other documents relating to the accounts of such inspector or collector, duly authenticated, under the seal of the said supervisor, shall have equal validity, and be entitled to the same credit which would be due to the original papers, if produced in open court; subject nevertheless to the condition mentioned in the second section of the act above recited.

Sec. 14.When the bonds of supervisors &c. shall be forfeited. And be it further enacted, That the bond of any supervisor or other officer of the revenue, who shall neglect or refuse, for more than six months, to make up, and render to the proper officer, his accounts of all duties collected or secured, pursuant to such forms and regulations as have been, or shall be prescribed, according to law, or to verify such accounts on oath or affirmation, if thereto required, or to pay over the monies which shall have been collected, shall be deemed forfeited, Judgment thereon at the return term.and judgment thereon shall and may be taken at the return term, on motion, to be made in open court, by the attorney of the United States, unless sufficient cause to the contrary be shown to, and allowed by the court: Provided always, that the writ or process, in such case, shall have been executed at least fourteen days before the return day thereof.

Sec. 15.Lien upon the real estate of officers of the revenue for debts due the United States. And be it further enacted, That the amount of all debts due to the United States, by any supervisor or other officer of the revenue, whether secured by bond or otherwise, shall, and hereby is declared to be a lien upon the lands and real estate of such supervisor or other officer of the revenue, and their sureties, from the time when a suit shall be instituted for recovering the same; and for want of goods and chattels, or other personal effects of such supervisor, or other officer of the revenue, or their sureties, to satisfy any judgment which shall or may be recovered against them, respectively, such lands and real estates Mode of sale of their real estate. may be sold at public auction, after being advertised for at least three weeks, in not less than three public places in the proper district, survey or division, and in one newspaper printed in the county, if any there be, at least six weeks prior to the proposed time of sale; and for all lands and real estate sold in pursuance of the authority aforesaid, the conveyances of the marshals, or their deputies, executed in due form of law, shall afford a valid title against all persons claiming under such supervisor, or other officer of the revenue, or their sureties, respectively.

Sec. 16.Repeal of law authorizing the President to fix or vary the compensations, &c. And be it further enacted, That from and after the said first day of July, instant, so much of any law or laws as authorizes the President of the United States to fix or vary the compensation of the officers employed in the collection of the internal revenues, or limits the yearly sums to be allowed to them, be, and the same is hereby repealed.

Approved, July 11, 1798.

Statute Ⅱ.

July 11, 1798.

Chap. ⅬⅩⅩⅡ.An Act for the establishing and organizing a Marine Corps.[1]

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in addi-

  1. The acts passed by Congress relating to the marine corps, are: An act for the establishing and organizing a marine corps, June 11, 1798, chap. 72; an act authorizing an augmentation of the marine corps, March 2, 1799, chap. 37; an act authorizing an augmentation of the marine corps, March 3, 1809, chap. 33; an act authorizing an augmentation of the marine corps, and for other purposes, April 16, 1814, chap. 58; resolution in relation to the compensation of officers of the marine corps, May 29, 1830; an act concerning certain officers of the marine corps, July 14, 1832, chap. 223; resolution respecting the pay of the marine corps, May 25, 1832; an act to improve the condition of the non-commissioned officers and privates of the army and marine corps of the United States, and to prevent desertion, March 2, 1833,