Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/75

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Suits in State Courts against Collectors to be removed to Circuit Courts of the United States. Regulations as to Steamboats, Deputies of Collectors. An act to continue in force an act entitled “An act further to provide for the collection of duties on imports and tonnage,” passed the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and for other purposes.March 3, 1817.
Vol. Ⅲ. 396
Statute.—District Court in Virginia. An act for altering the time for holding the District Court for the district of Virginia.March 19, 1818.
Vol. Ⅲ. 411
Execution of the Laws in the State of Mississippi. An act to provide for the due execution of the laws of the United States within the State of Mississippi.April 3, 1818.
Vol. Ⅲ. 413
District Court in the District of Maine. An act altering the time for holding a session of the District Court in the district of Maine.April 3, 1818.
Vol. Ⅲ. 413
Courts in the State of New York. An act respecting the courts of the United States within the State of New York.April 3, 1818.
Vol. Ⅲ. 413
Salaries of the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia. An act to increase the salaries of the judges of the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia.April 20, 1818.
Vol. Ⅲ. 457
The State of Pennsylvania divided into two Judicial Districts. An act to divide the State of Pennsylvania into two judicial districts.April 20, 1818.
Vol. Ⅲ. 462
1818, 1819.
Statute.—Western District Court of Pennsylvania. An act concerning the western District Court of Pennsylvania.Dec. 16, 1818.
Vol. Ⅲ. 478
A Judicial District in Western Virginia established. An act to establish a judicial district in Virginia, west of the Allegheny mountains.Feb. 4, 1819.
Vol. Ⅲ. 478
Jurisdiction of the Circuit Courts under the Law relating to Patents. An act to extend the jurisdiction of the Circuit Courts of the United States to cases arising under the 1aw relating to patents.Feb. 15, 1819.
Vol. Ⅲ. 481
Execution of the Laws of the United States in the State of Illinois. An act to provide for the execution of the laws of the United States within the State of Illinois.March 3, 1819.
Vol. Ⅲ. 502
Statute.—District Court of the Western District of Virginia. An act to alter the terms of the Court of the western district of Virginia.Feb. 10, 1820.
Vol. Ⅲ. 540
District Court in Ohio. An act altering the place of holding the Circuit and District Court in the district of Ohio.March 4, 1820.
Vol. Ⅲ. 544
Circuit Court in the District of Maine. An act establishing a Circuit Court within and for the district of Maine.March 30, 1820.
Vol. Ⅲ. 554
District Court in Alabama. An act to establish a District Court in the State of Alabama.April 21, 1820.
Vol. Ⅲ. 564
Laws in force in the Arkansas Territory. An act relative to the Arkansas territory.April 21, 1820.
Vol. Ⅲ. 565
Courts of the District of Columbia. An act to alter the times of the session of the Circuit and District Courts in the District of Columbia.May 11, 1820.
Vol. Ⅲ. 576
District Court in the Western District of Pennsylvania, &c. An act for altering the times for holding the court of the United States for the western district of Pennsylvania, and for other purposes.May 15, 1820.
Vol. Ⅲ. 598
Piracy. An act to continue in force “An act to protect the commerce of the United States, and punish the crime of piracy,” and also to make further provision for punishing the crime of piracy.May 15, 1820.
Vol. Ⅲ. 600
Reports of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. An act to continue in force the act entitled “An act to provide for the reports of the decisions of the Supreme Court,” approved the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen.May 15, 1820.
Vol. Ⅲ. 606