274 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 35. 1854. of the southwest quarter of section twenty-Eve, and the northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter of section thirty-six, in township seventy-five, north of range forty-four west, in said State of Iowa, in trust for the several use and benefit of“‘ the occupants thereof, according to their Execution of respective interests; the execution of which trust, as to the disposal of said the above power. land andthe proceeds of the sales thereoi to `be conducted under such rules and regulations as are prescribed by the legislative assembly of the State of Iowa in an act entitled “An act regulating the disposal of lands purchased in trust for town sites," approved January twenty-two, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, or as may hereafter be prescribed by the legislative assembly Pmviso. of said State of Iowa: Provided, That any act of said judge, not in conformity to the rules and regulations herein alluded to, shall be void and of none eifectz And provided also, That nothing herein contained shall affect preemption or other rights that may have accrued under any other act of Congress. Eutrytobe Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the entry contemplated in ¤1¤d¤ ir ’¤W¤lV¤ this act shall be made within twelve months from the date of the passage g°£g};j pmm hereof, and a patent shall issue for said land as in other cases. Approved, April 6, 1854. April 12, 1854. CHA?. XXX V.—An Act to establish additional Land Districts in the Territory of Min- """""'*"' nesata. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Four addition- States of America in Oongress assembled, That, for the sale of the pubgeing ‘}.;°’;fJ°: lic lands to which the Indian title has been extinguished by the recent of Pubns mm. treaties, or which may hereafter be extinguished within their limits in the Minnesota Territory west of the Mississippi River, there is hereby created four additional land districts, bounded as follow , to wit: All that portion situated between the northern boundary of the State of Iowa, and the line which divides townships one hundred and five and one hundred and six of the Efth principal meridian, and extending from the Mississippi to the Big Sioux rivers, shall comprise one of said districts, to be called hoot Rive: dis- the Root River District. All that portion lying between the township line °"°°‘ last mentioned, and the line dividing townships one hundred and ten, and and one hundred and eleven, and between said rivers, shall constitute _Winon». dis· another of said districts, to be called the Winona District. All that por-
- "°*· tion situated north of the district last mentioned, and south of the line
which divides townships one hundred and fifteen, and one hundred and sixteen, and between the rivers above mentioned, except the townships recently surveyed west of the Mississippi River from the fourth principal meridian, to include the reservation at Fort Snelling, (the whole of which townships shall be attached to and constitute a part of the Minneapolis _R¤$l Wivz District,) shall constitute a third district to be designated the Red Wing d”m°°’ District; and all that portion situated north of the limits last described, south of the line dividing townships one hundred and twenty and one hundred and twenty-one, between the Mississippi River and the treaty line which runs from the Big Sioux River to Lake Travers, together with all the fractional townships one hundred and twenty-one situated east of Mhmmpom the range line dividing ranges twenty-four and twenty-five west, shall distrlch comprise the fourth district, to be known as the Minneapolis District. Lands subject And all the residuary portion of said lands situated north of the line gas?;: "~" Sauk which divides townships one hundred and twenty and one hundred and P ‘ twenty-one, and west of range twenty-four west of the hfth principal meridian, and west of the Mississippi River, extending to the drift·wood and the Red River of the north, shall be, and is hereby attached to the district of lands subject to sale at Sauk Rapids. SEO. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United President to_ States be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint, by and with the ad- Qgpgfg fag2g;; vice and consent of the Senate, a register and receiver of the public sm- smb mms; moneys for each of the said new districts hereby created, who shall rc-