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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/295

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THIRTY—'I`HIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 46, 47 . 1854. 275 speetively be required to reside at the site of their offices, and who shall have the same powers, perform the same duties, and be entitled to the P<>w¤¤,d¤ti¤¤ same compensation, as are or may be prescribed by law in relation to f{;‘;_°°"‘P°"“‘ other land officers of the United States. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the President is authorized ?¤b}i¤l¤¤d¤i¤ to cause the public lands in said districts, with the exception of such as i;“&d”§;;{°t€g°§Q have been or may be reserved for other purposes, fo be exposed to sale expcisedte sale. in the same manner and upon the same terms and conditions as the other public lands of the United States. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the President is hereby au- President au thorized to designate the location of the offices for said new districts, *h°**z°d ,({°1 ***5 and change thesame whenever in his opinion the public good shall re- glfgggsfm an quire it. Approved, April 12, 1854. C1x.u>. XLVI.—An Act establishing a Land-Omoe in the Lower Peninsula of Mchigan. April 20, 1864. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America. in Congress assembled, That all those parts or portions Lend district of the lower peninsula of the State of Michigan which is situated north g}°“®,gg;u%?° of the line which divides townships twenty (20) and twenty-one (21) and P ` all the portion of the upper peninsula. which lies south of the line dividing townships forty-one (41) and forty-two (42) and west of range twelve (12) west, together with all the islands in Green Bay, the straits of Mackinac, and Lakes Huron and Michigan, which are situated north of the township line first herein mentioned, and within the limits of said State exclusive of Dr1m1mond’s Island and its islets, be, and the same is hereby, in- Chgbgyggn cluded in a land district to be called the Cheboygau Land District; and <H§§¤i<=§· for the sale of the lands in said district there shall be a land-office Bsm§?;g°;*£g§E established at such point therein as the President shall select. omee therein. SEO. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President, by and with President to the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint one register and one fgpfgg fag2Q;; receiver for the land office in said district, who shall reside at the place in wid district, designated for the land office, receive such compensation, give security P°W°FS»d¤*=i°¤ and discharge all duties pertaining to such office, us are prescribed bylaw. €£°g_°°mp°¤”' Approved, April 20, 1854. CHAP. XLVII.—An Act to authorize the School Commissioners of£·]act{onal Township Apr;] 20,1354,, Number One, of range Number Ten East, in Alabama, to loeaie One f Section of Land ··————————- for School Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America. in Congress assembled, That the school commissioners Authmiqed to of fractional township number one, of range number ten east, situated in $**3* °°mm the district of land subject to sale at Lebanon, Alabama, be, and is here- an ` by authorized to enter, free of charge, in lieu of the lands to which they are entitled by any existing law, one half section of land in legal subdivision, anywhere in said township, with a view to the ultimate conve- Where located. nience of the citizens of said township, and the quality of soil for school purposes, and said lands thus located shall be governed by the same laws, How governed. rules, and regulations, as is the school sixteenth section in said State of 1819·°h- *7- Alabama. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said T¤ b¤ l06W3d school commissioners to locate and report, within two years, what lands ;§ghf;P:;°0md° they have entered, to the Commissioner of the General Land Office at yem. Washington, and it shall be his duty, upon the receipt of such report of location, to withdraw from sale the said lands, and the title thereto shall Withdrawn be valid as in sixteenth sections heretofore granted in the new States. °fpub` Approved, April 20, 1854.