276 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 52, 54. 1854. ‘ . . .-- A d¢hel'd z' zh*·A: k' A ‘z‘ ="§—-`;‘;“i“g·%‘i °$t’Ct5£..dé§' a$Z€?c“é"!}.?'m r§i‘2:0.f3i.$.‘3.’Z.3C¤w°a,f...~'2‘.‘Z.»2,?§ a32S2Q2Q3i ' c' eayhteen hundred!) and fi_;2y;fbur," and for other purposes. Be it enacted Q1; the Senate and Jhuse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That of the clerks authorized Salary of the by the third section of the act approved March thini, eighteen hundred ggzkém °°P“"‘ and fifty-three, entitled “An act making appropmations for the civil aud diplomatic expenses of government for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-four," those of the first class shall m. c 've a salar of twelve hundred dollars per annum · those of the second cizass, a salary of fourteen hundred dollars per annurh ; those of the third class, a. salary of sixteen hundred dollars per annum; and all clerks not provided for in this act, performing the same or similar duties with any one of the classes, shall receive the same compensation as is allowed to such class; and the clerks employed in the Census Bureau shall be paid, durin the resent fiscal ear the same as is hereb allowed to clerks of th g d I; y 1 y e secon c ass. Salary of Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the stamp and blank agent for °ij>**;*!g)1,;i‘S§“{);_¤ the Post Office Department receive the same salary as clerks of the second Pzsgmenz class, provided for in the first section of this act; and an addition of Twergy per twenty per cent. is hereby added to the pay now authorized bylaw to §§Q°‘Pay ggdcof each of the messengers, packers, laborers, and watchmen of the <l1H`ei-ent tain messengers, executive departments of the government in Washington; to the clerks gfgmgm employed at the navy-yard and` marine barracks at Wlfashington; to the ughms’d{.,W_ clerk, messenger and laborer in the office of Commissioner of Public keepers,&c. Buildings, doorkeeper and assistant doorkeeper at the Executive Mansion ; public gardener, laborers employed in the public grounds and President’s garden; two additional watohmen and the police at the Capitol; watchmen employed at the Presidenfs House and Reservation number two, lamplighter, the general superintendent ; the draw-keepers of the S<·>¤°¤<i¤¤¤*`i°¤ bridges across the Eastern Branch and Potomac; and that the provisions g"£gQl°i’,; :2;; of the second section of the act of August thirty-first, eighteen hundred tain persona. and fifty-two, “ making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of the government for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-three," &c., be, and is hereby extended to such persons herein enumerated who were in employment during the fiscal year, and were excluded from the benefit of said act by the decision of _ the Comptroller of the Treasury. dS°·é:g‘;f Sm Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That instead of the salaries now Assistant ’pw,, allowed by law to the Superintendent of the Census, and to the Assistant masters General. Postmaiters General, they shall each receive the same salary that is paid to the assistant Secretary of the Treasury. When the im SEO. 4. And be it fwrther enacted, That the increased compensation °"°”‘°°· WY provided for in this act shall commence from the hrst da of Jul , ei h- commences. y Y . g _ teen hpndred and fifty-three, and the necessary money to carry this act into e act is hereb appropriated out of an c in the tre ur not Y¤°Vi=°· otherwise approprihteiilg Igwwided, That noihiiigu hhrein contaiznicl yshall be construed as making an appropriation for any period beyond the thirtioth of Jime, eighteen hundred and fifty-four. Approved, April 22, 1854. Mayw 1864. Cnr. LIV.-A Act ki A m' sl S¢ the M“l`&z A J "*""‘*l"‘"" fw the year ending thmhigahwgm zgnnjfldmdnd tlglicrhgiidred fjiyjiii. my t l Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative: of the United
- PPNP¤¤·ii10¤8· &atesqf America in 6'ongress assembled, That the following sums be,
and the same are hereby, appropriated out of any money in the treasury or not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Military Academy for