282 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 59. 1854. SMU of $0- prescribed by law. The Governor shall receive an annual salary of two '°§”{;\; of cm,. thousand five hundred dollars. The Chief Justice and Associate J sums jusideeyand as- 'shall each receive an annual salary of two thousand dollars. The Secre- ¤<><>i=¤¤ 5¤¤*i$°¤· tary shall receive an annual salary of two thousand dollars. The sdid mS,°,,y°”‘;°my° salaries shall be paid quarter—yearly, from the dates of the respective appointments, at the Treasury of the United States ; but no such payment shall be made until said officers shall have entered upon the duties of Compguggtiou their respective appointments. The mzmgers of the Legislative Assem. cf m¤¤¤}>¤r¤ of bly shall be entitled to receive three dollars eac per day during their °k;;£§§}f°‘m° attendance at the sessions thereof, and three dollars each for every twenty miles’ travel in going to and returning from the said sessions, estimated according to the nearest usually travelled route ;· and an additional allowance of three dollars shall be paid to the presiding officer of each house for each day he shall so preside. And a chief clerk, one assistant clerk, a sergeant·at-arms, and doorkeeper, may be chosen for each house; and Pay of certain the chief clerk shall receive four dollars per day, and the said other ggilfgs °f °“°h officers three dollars per day, during the session of the Legislative As- Froviso as to sembly; but no other officers shall be paid by the United States: Pro-
- l“*¤b°” °*`51°°· vided,»That there shall be but one session of the Legislature annually,
mms mmm y' unless, on an extraordinary occasion, the Governor shall think proper to call the legislature tovether. There shall be appropriated annually Contingent ex. the usual sum, to be exlpended by the Governor, to defray the contingeni §_¤¤¤¤ Pl'°'¤d°d expenses of the Territory, including the salary of ·a clerk of the Execu- ` t1ve Department; and there shall also be appropriated, annually, a sufficient sum, to be expended by the Secretary of the Territory, and upon an estimate to be made by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, to defray the expenses of the Legislative Assembly, the printing of the laws, and other incidental expenses; and the Governor and Secretary of the Territory shall in the disbursement of all moneys intrusted to them, be governed solely by the instructions of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, and shall, semi·annually, account to the said Secretary for the manner in which the aforesaid moneys shall E mr; · S have been expended · and no expenditure shall be made by said Legisla— 0f LE>h§l¤i»ij:‘i>i5 five Assembly for objects not specially authorized by the acts of Con- £°°m Y hmm gress, making the appropriations, nor beyond the sums thus appropriated for such objects. LG mwvc A5_ Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That the Legislative Assembly ssmhly to hold of the Territory of Nebraska shall hold its first session at such time and 1;;* £‘;_’;';;;;*“{)°° place in said Territory as the Governor thereof shall appoint and direct; the g,,,,°m,,,,_y and at said first session, or as soon thereafter as they shall deem expedient, the Governor and Legislative Assembly shall proceed to locate and Sent of govern- establish the seat of government for said Territory at such place as they ¥¤¤¤*- may deem eligible ; which place, however, shall thereafter be subject to be changed by the said Governor and Legislative Assembly. A detggste to _ SEO. 14. And be it further enacted, That a delegate to the House of las ¤l¤¤ ¤;_<>ti>1h<> Representaties of the United States, to serve for the term of two years, U?,?§f°§tg_ms_° who shall be a citizen of the United States, may be elected by the voters qualified to elect members of the Legislative Assembly who shall be entitled to the same rights and privileges as are exercised and enjoyed by the delegates from the several other Territories of the United States to the said House of Representatives but the delegate first elected shall hold his seat only during the term of, the Congress to which he shall be elecited. The first election shall be held at such time and places, and bg con ucted in such manner as the Governor shall appoint and direct; an at ell subsequent elections, the times, places, and manner of holding the elections, {shall be prescribed by law. The person having the greatest number o votes shall be declared by the Governor to be duly elected; The commm and 9. certificate thereof shall be given. accordingly. That the Constitution mqsppises. t10D, and all Laws of the United States which are not locally inapplicable,