L '1`HIRTY·THIR.D CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 59. 1854. 283 — shall have the same force and effect within the said Territory of Ne- ble mws of the , braska as elsewhere within the United States, except the eighth section Umwd SPWS of the act preparatory to the admission of Missouri into the Union, ?:°g,€b?1·;x;,.i€;:°; 3 approved March sixth, eighteen hundred and twenty, which, being iucon- except the sth I sistent with the principle of nomintervention by Congress with slavery i29g0n g‘;g‘:32· ‘ in the States and Territories, as recognized by the legislation of eighteen dgéjéygd yogi, l hundred and fifty, commonly called the Compromise Measures, is hereby ·, declared inoperative and void; it being the true intent and meaning of fthe intent of l this act not to legislate slavery into any Territory or State, nor to exclude l;;“sS°];;;°“°““' T it therefrom, but to leave the people thereof perfectly free to form and E ry` . regulate their domestic institutions in their own way, subject only to the Constitution of the United States: Provided, That nothing herein con- Ijroviso csto tained shall be construed to revive or put in force any law or regulation giglxngg IQ'; which may have existed prior to the act of sixth March, eighteen hun- very, g dred and twenty, either protecting, establishing, prohibiting, or abolishing 182% °l¤· 22- slaver . Snell 15. And be it further enacted, That there shall hereafter be Appropriation appropriated, as has been customary for the Territorial governments, a ?°’ P“'°l‘° b"‘1“‘ sufficient amount, to be expended under the direction of the said Go- mp vernor of the Territory of Nebraska, not exceeding the sums heretofore appropriated for similar objects, for the erection of suitable public buildings at the seat of government, and for the purchase of a library, to be kept at the seat of government for the use of the Governor, Legislative Assembly, Judges of the Supreme Court, Secretary, Marshal, and Attorney of said Territory, and such other persons, and under such regulations, as shall be prescribed by law. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That when the lands in the said Territory shall be surveyed under the direction of the government of the United States, preparatory to bringing the same into market, sections numbered sixteen and thirty-six in each township in said Territory shall Reservation for be, and the same are hereby, reserved for the purpose of being applied “°h°°l’* to schools in said Territory, and in the States and Territories hereafter to be erected out of the same. Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That, until otherwise provided by Judicial dislaw, the Governor of said Territory may define the Judicial Districts of g¤`i<=*§· how d°· said Territory, and assign the judges who may be appointed for said Ter- “° ' ritory to the several districts; and also appoint the times and places for holding courts in the several counties 01* subdivisions in each of said Judicial Districts by proclamation, to be issued by him; but the Legislative Assembly, at their first or any subsequent session, may organize, alter, or modify such Judicial Districts, and assign the judges, and alter the times and places of holding the courts, as to them shall seem proper and convenient. Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That all officers to be appointed Qifaegs gp- _ by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, for $32*:0 gg? '°s" the Territory of Nebraska, who, by virtue of the provisions of any law security for now existing, or which may be enacted during the present Congress, are required to give security for moneys that may be intrusted with then;. ' for disbursement, shall give such security} at such time and place, and m such manner, as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That all that part of the Territory Temporary of the United States included within the following limits, except such €::$'fff°' portions thereof as are hereinafter expressly exempted from the opera.- gum, mab. tions of this act, to wit, beginning at a. point on the western boundary of 1¤¤g¤<i- d i the State of Missouri, where the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude °u ` crosses the same; thence west on said parallel to the eastern boundary of New Mexico; thence north on said boundary to latitude thirty-eight; thence following said boundary westward to the east boundary of the Territory of Utah, on the summit of the Rocky Mountains; thence
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