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PUBLIC LAW 100-276—APR. 1, 1988

102 STAT. 65

lOl(k) of the continuing appropriations resolution for the fiscal year 1987 (Public Laws 99-500 and 99-591), shall apply with respect to funds made available by this joint resolution, except that section 216 shall not apply with respect to personnel of the Agency for International Development or the Department of State. SEC. 6. DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS ACCOUNTS.—The appropriations

accounts to which this resolution refers are the following accounts in the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1986, as contained in section 101(b) of the further continuing appropriations resolution for the fiscal year 1986 (Public Law 99-190): (1) Missile Procurement, Army; (2) Other, Procurement, Army; (3) Other Procurement, Navy; (4) Missile Procurement, Air Force; (5) Aircraft Procurement, Air Force; and (6) Weapons Procurement, Navy; except that section 1351 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1987 (Public Law 99-661) shall apply. SEC. 7. AUDIT OF FUNDS.—The Comptroller General shall conduct an independent audit of funds expended in the provision of assistance and support under this joint resolution. SEC. 8. CHILDREN'S SURVIVAL ASSISTANCE.—(a) AUTHORIZATION.—

The President shall transfer to the Agency for International Devel- President of U.S. opment $17,700,000 of unobligated funds from the appropriations accounts specified in section 6 to provide medical care and other relief for children who are victims of the Nicaraguan civil strife. Such assistance shall be used to make available prosthetic devices and rehabilitation, provide medicines and immunizations, assist burn victims, help children who have been orphaned, and otherwise provide assistance for children who have been physically injured or displaced by the Nicaraguan civil strife. Priority shall be given to those children with the greatest needs for assistance. Funds transferred pursuant to this subsection shall remain available until expended. (b) USE OF P V O ' S AND INTERNATIONAL RELIEF ORGANIZATIONS.—

Assistance pursuant to this section shall be provided only through nonpolitical private and voluntary organizations and international relief organizations. Preference in the distribution of such assistance shall be given to organizations presently providing similar services such as the Catholic Relief Services, International Committee of the Red Crogs, CARE, United Nations Children's Fund, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Partners of the Americas, and the Pan-American Health Organization. (c) CHILDREN IN NICARAGUA.—At least one-half of the assistance provided under this section shall be provided through nonpolitical private and voluntary organizations and international relief organizations operating inside Nicaragua. None of this assistance may be provided to or through the Government of Nicaragua.