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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 1.djvu/106

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102 STAT. 68

PUBLIC LAW 100-277—APR. 4, 1988 cultural ties.",




developmental activi-

(b) ALLOCATION REQUIREMENTS.—Section 416(b)(7)(D)(iii) of such Act is amended— (1) by striking out "5 percent" and inserting in lieu thereof "10 percent"; and (2) by inserting ", or the minimum tonnage required, whichever is greater," after "furnished". SEC. 5. PERIODS FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT.

Public information.

Section 416(b)(8) of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 1431(b)(8)) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "(C)(i) If a proposal to make eligible commodities available under this subsection is submitted by a nonprofit and voluntary agency or cooperative with the concurrence of the appropriate United States Government field mission or if a proposal to make such commodities available to a nonprofit and voluntary agency or cooperative is submitted by the United States Government field mission, a decision on the proposal shall be provided within 45 days after receipt by the Agency for International Development office in Washington, D.C. The response shall detail the reasons for approval or denial of the proposal. If the proposal is denied, the response shall specify the conditions that would need to be met for the proposal to be approved. "(ii) Not later than 30 days before the issuance of a final guideline issued to Carry out this subsection, the Secretary shall— "(I) provide notice of the proposed guideline to nonprofit and voluntary agencies and cooperatives that participate in programs under this subsection, and other interested persons, that the proposed guideline is available for review and comment; "(II) make the proposed guideline available, on request, to nonprofit and voluntary agencies, cooperatives, and others; and "(III) take any comments received into consideration before the issuance of the final guideline, "(iii) Not later than 15 days after receipt of a call forward from a field mission for commodities or products that meets the requirements of this subsection, the order for the purchase or the supply, from inventory, of such commodities or products shall be transmitted to the Commodity Credit Corporation.".