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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 1.djvu/107

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PUBLIC LAW 100-277—APR. 4, 1988

102 STAT. 69


Section 1107(a) of the Food Security Act of 1985 (7 U.S.C. 1736 note) is amended by striking out ", and September 30, 1987" and inserting in lieu thereof "through September 30, 1990". SEC. 7. INAPPLICABILITY OF THE FEDERAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ACT TO AGRICULTURAL AID AND TRADE MISSIONS.

Any agricultural aid and trade mission established under section 1 of that portion of the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1988, and for other purposes" approved December 22, 1987, under the heading "Agricultural Aid and Trade Missions Act", and any other activity under this section and sections 2 through 7 of such portion, shall not be considered an advisory committee for the purposes of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. Approved April 4, 1988.

LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—S. 2151: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 134 (1988): Mar. 4, considered and passed Senate. Mar. 15, 16, considered and passed House, amended. Mar. 23, Senate concurred in House amendments.

7 USC 1736bb note.