APPENDIX. PROCLAMZATIONS. NOS. 20, 21. 7 67 said, and every stipulation thereof, has been duly entered into, concluded and condrmed, and is of full force and effect. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, this twenty-eighth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and of the independence of the United States the forty-second. JAMES MONROE. BY Tun Pnxcsxnmrra _ * JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, Secretary of State. No. 20. Ojbring a Reward for Apprehension of a Murderer. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. July 10, 1821. . A PROCLAMATION. Wnnmsns information has been received that an atrocious murder, aggravated by the additional crime of robbery, was on the sixth or seventh day 0 this present month committed, in the county of Alexandria, and District of Columia, on William Seaver, late of this city: And whereas the apprehension and punishment of the murderer or murderers, and his or their accessary or accessaries will be an example due to justice and humanity, and every way salutary in its operation; I have therefore thought iit to issue this my proclamation, hereby exhorting the citizens of the United States, and particularly those of this District, and requiring all officers according to their respective stations, to use their utmost endeavors to apprehend and bring the princi al or principals, accessary or aecessaries to the said murder, to justice: And) I do moreover otfer a reward of three hundred dollars for each principal, if there be more than one, and one hundred and fifty for each accessary before the fact, if there be more than one, who shall be apprehended after the day of the date hereof and brought to justice, to be paid upon his conviction of the crime or crimes aforesaid. In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States to be L affixed to thesdlpresents, and signed the same with my hand. Done [Sd at the city of ashinvton this tenth day of July, A. n. 1821, and of the independence oi? the United States the forty-sixth. JAMES MONROE. BY rms: Pansrnnrzr: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, Secrelary of State. No. 21. Opening United States Ports to British Vessels from certain West India Ports. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Augugt 24, 13;;, . A PROCLAMATION. Wnnnmas, byan act of the Congress of the United States, passed on the Preamble, sixth day of May last, it was provide , that on satisfactory evidence being given 1822, 6h_ 5e_ to the President of the United States, that the ports in the islands or colonies in the West Indies, under the dominion of Great Britain, have been opened Vol. iii. p. 681. to the vessels of the United States, the President should be and thereb was authorized to issue his p)roclama.tion, declaring that the ports of the Uynitcd States should thereafter e open to the vessels of Great Britain em loyed in the trade and intercourse between the United States, and such islands or colonies, subject to such reciprocal rules and restrictions as the President of 18,8 h 70 the United States might, by such proclamation, make and publish, any thing in VO,_’,§_ ‘p_ Q2_ the laws, entitled “An act concerning Navigation," or an act entitled ** An act 1820, 6h_ 122. supplementary to an act concerning Nav1gation," to the contrary notwith- Vol. iii. p.602. * standing :—
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