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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/812

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768 APPENDIX. PROCLAMATION S. NOS. 21, 22. And whereas satisfactory evidence has been given the President of the United States, that the ports hereinafter named, m the 1slands or colomes m the West Indies, under the dominion of Great Britain, havejaeen opened to the vessels of the United States, that is to say, the of kingston, Savannah, L6 Mar, Montego Bay, Santa Lucia, Antonio, amt Ann, Falrnonth, Mania, Momma Bay, in Jamaica; Saint George, Grenada ; Bosscau, Dommxca; Saint John’s, Antigua ; Sam Josef; Trinidad; Scarborough, Tobago; Road Ilarbour, Tortola; Nassau, New Providence; Pittstown, Crooked Island ; Kmgston, St. Vincent; Port St. George and Port Hamilton, Bermuda; any port where there is a. custom-house, Bahamas; Bridgetown, Barbadocs; St. J0hn’s, St;. Andrew’s, New Brunswick; Halifax, N0va‘Sc0tia.; Quebec, Canada; St. J0hn’s, Neptbundland; Georgetown, Demarara; New Amsterdam, Berbxce; Castmes, St. Lucia; Bemeterre, St. Kitts; Charlestown, Nevis; and Plymouth, Montserrat: The pom of Now, therefore, I, JAMES MONROE, President of the United States of the United Sum America, do hereby declare and proclaim, that the ports of the United States opened to British shall hereafter, and until the end of the next session of the Congress of the United V*$S°1S YFom *}*6 States, be open to the vessels of Great Britain employed in the trade ”‘b°V° P°"°S‘ and intercourse between the United States and the islands and colonies hereinbefore named, any thing in the laws entitled “An act concerning Nav- 1818, ch. 70. i¤ation," or an act entitled “Au act supplementary to an act concerninv 182% Oh- 122- J§avigation," to the contrary notwithstandmg, under the following reciprocal rules and restrictions, namely :— Vol. iii. pp. 432, To vessels of Great Britain, bona fda British built, owned and the master 602. and three-fourths of the mariners of which at least shall belong to Great Britain, or any United States built ship or vessel, which has been sold to and become the property of British subjects, such ship or vessel being also navigated with a master and three fourths of the mariners at least belonging to Great Bz·itain,— and provided always, that no articles shall be imported into the United States in any such British ship or vessel, other than articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture of the British Islands and colonies in the West Indies, when imported in British vessels coming from any such island or colony, and articles of the growth, produce or manufacture of the British colonies in North America, or of the Island of Newfoundland, in vessels coming from the ort of St. John’s, in that island, or from any of the aforesaid ports of the Eritish colonies in North America. Given under my hand at the city of Washinrrton, this twenty-fo1u·th day [L. s.] of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twer{•§y—two, and in the forty-seventh year of the mdependence of the nited States. JAMES MONROE. BY rum Pnmsxnmr : JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, Secretary of State. No. 22. Suspending Discrimimzting Duties as to Szcljects of the Pope, under Act of 1824, ch. 4. Juno 7, 1827. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. A PROCLAMATION. Preamble as WH1·:1·:mAs by an act of the Congress of the United States, of the seventh of

  • 0 ¤·¤*=h¤¤¤y Ja.unary,oue thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, entitled "An act con-
';;;" cg°"4°fw cexlmng dxscximinutinigutnes of tonnage and impost/’ it is rovidcd, that upon

mspgnd (ilu1am_ satisfactory e··idence ing given to the President of the ignited States by the ingijug duties_ governmenlaof any foreign nation, that no discriminating duties of tonnage or xmpost are unposed on levied within the ports of the said nation, upon vessels wholly belonging to extizens of the United States, or upon merchandise, the produce or manufactuhe thereof, imported in the same, the President is thereby authorized to ISSUE his proclamation, declaring that the foreign discriminating duties of tonnage and xmpost within the United States are and shall be sus nded and discontinued, so far as respects the vessels of the said nation, and di}: mer-