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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/828

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784 APPENDIX. PROCLAMATIONS. Nos. 30, 31, 32. Discrimiuqting And whereas satisfactory evidence lmslately been received from I:Iis Majesty,

  • °’}.'"‘%° d“,*{‘“ the King of Greece, that the dnscmminatmex duties of tonnage levied by said

1** M bY °"°"°° nation on the ships or vessels of the United rotates, have been abolished: §;§;"j‘j§;§$§;§?s‘ Now, therefore, r,MAm1N vm BUREN, President or the Uma sem, ·i·:,,mmg6 duty do hereby declare and proclaim, that the tonnage duty 0n the vessels of the on Sirgek vessels Iéingdgg of Greece shall, from lll11S date, cease to be levied in the ports of the in '. . 01`hs '( t i; , ih“.ud“°”£" *0 be {given uélider my hand at the city of Washiugmn, this fourteenth day of June, °vl° ’ A. D. 183 7, and of the independence of the United States the suzty-first. MARTIN VAN BUREN. BY Tum PRESIDENT: JOHN FORSYTH, Secretary af State. No. 31. Levying Tonnage Duty on Portuguese Vessels. Oct. 11,182*1. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROOLAMATION. _ WHEREAS, by an act of Convress of the United States of the twenty-fifth of Preamble re _ a , _ citing that ton- May, one thousand eight hundred and thu?-tivo, entitled "An act to exempt ¤¤g¤ dut!gyP 0; the vessels of Portugal from the payment 0 dutieshgf tonnage,” it was enacted

        • 9 S ° .°. “‘ as follows : “No duties upon tonnarre shall be herea r levied or collcctcd of the

§]°]g,':bg;;`;g:]°°' vessels of the kingdom of'Portuga1? Provided, always, That whenever the Presbutfhc p,.}SgdQm ident of the United States shall be satisfied that the vessels of the United States uuthoriged to are subjected, in the ports of the kingdom of Portugal, to payment of any duties levy ssud duty- of tonnage, he shall, by proclamation, declare the fact, and the duties now pay- 1832, ch- 1°4· able by vessels of that kingdom, shall be levied and paid as if this act had not Vo}. iv. p. 517. been assed." Vessels or U. s. Anil whereas satisfactory evidence has been received by me not only that subjected to ton- the vessels of the United States are subjected in the ports of the said kingdom “2§‘;g;‘lE";g M of Portugal to payment of duties of tonnage, but that a. discrimination exists in P 0 g ’ resigect to those duties against the vessels of the United States. ow, therefore, I, MARTIN VAN BUREN, President of the United States Tonnage duty of America, do hereby declare that fact, and proclaim that the dutiee ayable };‘3;;glg’*~l;£; lf by vessels of the said kingdom of Portugal, on the twenty-fifth day of my, one of PWQML ° ° thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, shall henceforth be levied and paid as if ° the said act of the twentydifth of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, had not been passed. Given under my hand at the city of Washington, on the eleventh day of October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and of the independence of the United States the sixty-second. M. VAY BUREY. BY Tum PRESIDENT: L L JOHN FORSYTH, Secreimy of Stale. No. 32. Ezjoining Neutrality as to Ocmada. Jan. 5, 1838. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION.

§i·eamlne asho WHEREAS information having been received of a dangerous excitement on

gn ““s,° S· ‘|ih€· northern fronher of the United States in consequence of the civil war begun erfcrinv in · · . . ’. . _ QM} Wmggn m Canada, and instructions having been given to the United bmtes officers on (jamulm that frontier, and applications having been made to the governors of the adjoining States to prevent any unlawful interference on the part of our citizens in the conqests unfortunately commenced in the British Provinces: additional information has Just been received, that, notwithstanding the proclamations of the governors