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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/829

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APPENDIX. PROCLAMATION S. NOS. 32, 33. 785 of the States of New York and Vermont, exhorting their citizens to refrain from any unlawful acts within the territory of the United States; and notwithstanding the presence of the civil officers of the United States, who, by my directions, have visited the scenes of commotion with a view of impressing the citizens with a, proper sense of their duty, the excitement, instead of being appeased, is every day increasing in degree-that arms and munitions of war, and other supplies, have been procured by the insurgents in the United States-that a. military force, consisting in part, at least, of citizens of the United States, had been actually organized, had congreglated at Navy Island, and were still in arms under the command of a citizen of the United States, and that they were constantly receiving accessions and aid. Now, therefore, to the end that the authorityiof the laws may be maintained, and the faith of treaties observed, I, MARTIN AN BUREN, do most earnestly exhort all citizens of the United States who have thus violated their duties, to return peaceably to their respective homes; and I hereby warn them, that any persons who shall compromit the neutrality of this government by interfering in an unlawful manner with the affairs of the neighboring British Provinces, will render themselves liable to arrest and punishment under the laws of the United LWJIG $0 ¤¤`°¤* States, which will be rigidly enforced; and, also, that they will receive no aid or md P“‘““h“‘°“°’ countenance from their overnment into whatever difiiculues they may be thrown by the violation oi; the laws of their country, and the territory of a neigb boring and friendly nation. Given under my hand at the city of Washington, the fifth day of January, L S] A. D. one thousand eight undred and thirty-eight, and the sixty- [‘ second of the independence of the United States. M. VAN BUBEN. BY THE PRESIDENT: JOHN FORSYTH, Secretary of State. No. 33. Enjoining Mutrality as to Canada. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. N°"· mv 1838* A PROCLAMATION. Wmmmas thereistoo much reason to believe that citizens of the United _ I’¤`Q¤m*>l**”·*° States, in disregard of the solemn warning heretofore given to them by the proc- “;‘&‘:‘g" ZE; lamations issued by the Executive of the general overnment, and by some of of Umgd Sums_ the governors of the States, have combined to disturi the peace of the dominions of a neighboring and friendly nation, and whereas information has been given to me, derived from official and other sources, that man citizens in different parts of the United States are associated or associating {lor the same purpose: and whereas disturbances have actually broken out anew in dilferent parts of the two Canadas: and whereas a hostile invasion has been made by citizens of the United States, in conjunction with Canadians and others, who, after forcibly seizing upon the property of their peaceful neighbor for the purpose of effecting their unlawful designs, are now in arms against the authomties of Canada, in perfect disregard of their obligations as American citizens, and of the obligations of the government of their country to foreign nations. _ _ N ow, therefore, I have thought it necessary and proper to issue this procla- C‘l`*’°“S °f U- mation, calling upon every citizen of the United States neither to give counte- §6`:1gg§:c’;°:tm nance nor encouragement of any kind to those who have thus forfeited their claim ' to the protection of their country; upon those misguided or deluded persons who are engaged in them, to abandon projects dangerous to their own country, fatal to those whom they profess a desire to relieve, impracticable of execution with— out foreign aid, which they cannot rationally expect to obtain, and giving rise to imputations (however unfounded) upon the honor and good faith of their own government; upon every officer, civil or military, and upon every citizen; by the veneration due by all freemen to the laws which they ave assisted to enact for their own government; by his regard for the honor and reputation of his country; by his love of order and respect for the sacred code of laws by which national intercourse is regulated ; to use every effort in his power to arrest for trial and punishment every oH`endcr against the laws providing for the performance of our obligations to the other powers of the world. And I hereby Am] thm on. warn all those who have engaged in these criminal enterprises, if persisted in, gngsd in itwarn- VOL. xr. }\iPP.—·]02