TREATY WITH BOLIVIA. MAY 13, 1858. 1003 TREATIE S . Treaty with Bolivia. Peace, Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation. Signed at La Paz, May 13, 1858. Ratified Zn; the President if the United States, Pebruary 17, 1862. Exchanged at La Paz, November igé?862. Proclaimed by the President of the United States, January 8, BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: M¤Y13.1858· A PROCLAMATION. Wnnnnas a Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation Preamble. between the United States and the Republic of Bolivia, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries, at La Paz, on the thirteenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, which Treaty, after having been amended and ratified by the contracting parties, is word for word as follows : Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Com- Tratado de Paz, Amistad, Navega· C9¤¤¤¤*·i¤£ merce, and Navigation, between cion i Comercio entre la Repdb- P“"°‘°“‘ the United States of America lica de Bolivia i los Estados Uniand the Republic of Bolivia. dos de América. The United States of America La Repdblica de Bolivia i los and the Republic of Bolivia, desir— Estados Unidos de América, descing to make lasting and Erm the ando hacer estables i permanentes friendship and good understanding las relaciones de amistad i buena which happily prevail between both inteligencia, que felizmente emisnations, have resolved to fix, in a. ten entre ambas Naciones, han remanner clear, distinct, and positive, suelto fijar de una manera clara, the rules which shall in future be distintai positive., las reglas que en religiously observed between the lo sucesivo, deben observarse relijione and the other, by means of a osamente entre ambas naciones, por treaty of friendship, commerce, and medic de un tratado de amistad, c0· navigation. For this most desir- merico i navegacion. able object, the President of the Contaninteresante objeto,el Pre- United States of America has con- sidente de la Repniblica de Bolivia ferrcd full powers on John W. Dana, ha conferido plenos poderes al Ciua. citizen of the said States, and dadano Lucas Mendoza do la Tatheir Biinister Resident to the said pia, Secretario de Estado en el_De— Republic ; and the President of the partamento de RelacionesEster1ores Republic of Bolivia on the citizen é Instruccion Pdblica, i el Presi- Lucas Mendosa de la Tapia, Secre- dente de los Estados Unidos al Ciutary of State in the Department of dadano Juan Winchester Dana, Exterior Relations and Public In- Ministro Residente de dichos Esta.· struction, who, after having ex- dos Unidos cerca del Gobiemo de changed their said full powers in Bolivia, quienes despues de haberse due and proper form, have agreed comunicado sus mencionados plenos to the following articles: poderes i habiendoles hallado en debida forma, han convenido en los articulos siguientes: vox,. x11. Tnn.u·.——129
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