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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1056

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1004 TREATY WITH BOLIVIA. MAY 13, 1858. mr1cLn 1. Am‘1cUL0 1. pam md There shall be a perfect, firm, Habra perfecta, iirme é inviola· ¤'i¢¤d¤hiP· and inviolable peace and sincere ble paz i sincera amistad entre la friendship between the United Republica de Bolivia i los Estados States of America and the Repub- Unidos de América, en toda la eslic of Bolivia, in all the extent of tension de sus posesiones i territo their possessions and territories, and rios, i entre sus pueblos iciudadanos between their people and citizens respectivos, sin distincion de persorespectively, without distinction of nas ni de lugares. persons or places. ARTICLE II- ARTICULO 11. Bislm °*`_¤°¤* If either party shall hereafter Si una de las partes concediere, favored nation. . . . . . . grant to any other nation, its citi- enlo futuroacualquiera otra nacion, zens, or subjects, any particular fa- sus ciudadanos 6 subditos alguu favor in navigation or commerce, it vor particular, en navegacioni coshall immediately become common mercio, se estendera i haré. comun to the other party, freely when free- inmediatament a la otra parte, graly granted to such other nation, or tuitamente, si la concesion hubiese on yielding the same compensation sido gratuita 6 con compensacion, si when the grant is conditional. la concesion hubiese sido condicional. _ EXPLANATION. ESPLIGACION. E"Pl°‘““l°““‘ As in said article it is stipulated Como en dicho articulo se estipula that any special favor in navigation que cualquier favor particular en and trade granted by one of the navegacionicomercio concedido por contracting parties to any other na- una de las partes contratantes a cualtion, extends and is common to the quiera otra nacion, se estienda i haga other party forthwith, it is declared comun a la otra parte inmediatathat, in what pertains to the navi- mente-·—-se declara que, en lo togation of rivers, this treaty shall cante 6. la navegacion de los rios, only apply to concessions which the esta oonvencion solo sera aplicable Government may authorize for a. las ooncesiones que el Gobierno navigating fluvial streams which do de Bolivia otorgare para navegar not present obstructions ; that is to los cursos fluviales que no presensay, those whose navigation may tasen obstaculos, es decir, de aquelbe naturally plain and current with- los cuya navegacion estuviese natuout there having been need to ob- ralmente allanada i corriente sin tain it by the employment of labor que hubiera sido preciso procurarla and capital; that by consequence empleando trabajo i capitales; que there remains reserved the right of por consiguiente queda a salvo e1 the Bolivian Government to grant derecho del Gobierno de Bolivia paprivileges to any association or com- ra coneeder privilejios a cualquiera pany, as well foreign as national, Sociedad 6 Compania tanto estranwhich should undertake the navi- jera como nacional que emprendigation of those rivers from which, ese la navegacion en aquellos rios in order to succeed, there are ditii- donde para conseguirla hai que suculties to overcome, such as the perar dificultades, tales como el alclearing out of rapids, &c., &c. lanamiento de cachuelas, &c. ARTICLE 111. ARTICUL0 111. mgepiprfqcal The United States of America and La Republics. de Bolivia i los mu_';g’a‘;ld°;;’;_ the Republic of Bolivia mutually Estados Unidos de América cougation. agree that there shall be reciprocal vienen miituamente en que haya liberty of commerce and navigation libertad reciproca de navegacion i