1008 TREATY WITH BOLIVIA- MAY 13, 1858. of Bolivia, to or from the territories Unidos, al 6 del territorio de Bolivia, of the United States, or to or from al 6 del territorio de los Estados the territories of the Republic of Unidos, que igualmeute no se estien- Bolivia, which shall not equally daaotras naciones. extend to all other nations. Ammonia vu. ABTIOULO vu. c*“¤¤{¤¤? °¤¤ It is likewise agreed that it shall Se oonviene igualmente en que
- °u,‘f,‘,",,·`Q,,’,{’,,'f,l‘°,,, be wholly free for all merchants, sera enteramentelibreatodo comerbetrmedin the commanders of ships, and other ciante,comandante de buque,uotros
W“*°““°'v citizens of either country, to man- ciudadanos de cualquiera. de los ° age themselves their own business, dos paises, manejar por si mismos in all the ports and places subject sus propios negocios, en todos los to the jurisdiction of the other, as puertos 6 lugares sujetos é. la juriswell with respect to the consignment diecion del otro, asi como respecto and sale of their goodsand merchan- a. la consignacion i venta de efectos disc, by wholesale or retail, as with i mercancias, por mayor 6 por merespect to the loading, unloading, nor, como tambien respecto ti la and sending off their ships; they carga, descarga i despacho de sus being in all these cases to be treated huques, debiendo ser, en todos esos as citizens of the countryin which casos, tratados como ciudadanos del they reside, or at least to be placed pais en que residen 6, at lo menos, on a footing with the citizens or ser colocados en un mismo pié con subjects of the most favored nation. los snbditos 6 ciudadanos de la nacion mas tavorecida. ABTICLE VIII. ABTICUL0 VIII. Stsann-vessels The R.epublicofBolivia,desi1ing Deseaudo la. Republics de B0-
- b:E to increase the intercourse between livia ampliar la comunicacion
Bgljvjg, the Pacino ports by means of steam entre los puertos del Paeifico, por navigation, engages to accord to any medio de la navegacion por vapor, citizen or citizens of the United se compromete a. conceder 6 cual— States who may establish a line of quiera ciudadano 6 ciudadauos de steam-vessels to navigate regularly los Estados Unidos que ecncurran between the diferent ports and bays a. este efecto, estableciendo una linen. of the coasts of the Bolivian terri- de vapores entre lcs puertcs6 bahias tory, the same privileges of taking de las costas del territorio Boliviano, in and landing freight and cargo, los mismos privilejios para elementering the by-ports for the pur- barco, desembarco de carga 6 ilete, pose of receiving and landing pas- recepcionidesembarco de pasajeros, sengem and their baggage and sus equipages idinero; para el trasmoney, carrying the public mails, porte de las balijas de correos, for~ establishing depots for coal, erecting macion de dep6sit6s para el comthe necessary machine and work- bustible, establecimiento de talleres shops for repairing and refitting the i maquinas para reparar i carenar steam-vessels, and all other favors los vapores, i las demas imunidades enjoyed by any other association or de (pe goza cualquiera otra sociocompany whatsoever, of the same dad 6 compaiia del mismo jenero. character. It is furthermore under- Convienen ademas las altas partes stood between the two high con- contratantes en que los vapores tracting parties that the steam-ves- pertenecientos a cualquiera de ellas sels of either shall not be subject, no estarau sujetos, en los lugares de in the ports of the other party, to desembarco de la otra, al page de any duties of tonnage, harbor, or ninguna clase de derechos, como los other similar duties whatsoever, de tonelaje, puerto, ni otros semethau those that are or may be paid jantes, 5. no ser los que paguen 6 by any other association or com- psgaren otras scciedades 6 compapany. ilias favorecidas.