TREATY WITH BOLIVIA. MAY 13, 1858. 1009 ARTICLE ix. ARTICULO IX. Whenever the citizens of either Cuando lcs ciudadanos de una Citizens of of the contracting parties shall be de las partes contratantes se vean °m*€’ ¤°*i°¤ forced to seek refuge or asylum in obligados 6. refujiarse 6 asilarse en zgkltrégblgeéggfad the riversnports, or dominions of los rios, puertos 6 dominios de la with humanity. the other with their vessels, whether otra, con sus buques sean mercanmerchant or of war, through stress tes 6 de guerra, a causa del mal of weather, pursuit of pirates, or tiempo, 6 de la persecusion de eneenemies, they shall be received and migos 6 piratas, seran recibidosi treated with humanity, giving to tratados con consideracion, prestanthem all favor and protection for doseles, todo ausilio i protecciou, repairing their ships and placing para reparar sus buques iponersc themselves in a situation to continue en estado de continuar su viaje sin their voyage, without obstacles or obstaculo ni riesgo de ningun jén- hindrance of any kind. And the ero. provisions of this article shall apply Las estipulaciones contenidas en to privateers or private vessels of este articulo se aplican a los corsawar as well as public, until the two rios 6 buques privados de guerra, high contracting parties may relin- como a. los publicos, hasta que las quish the right of that mode of dos altas partes contratantes hayan warfare, in consideration of the gen- abandonado la guerra de corso, en eral relinquishment of the right of consideracion a que jeneralmente capture of private property upon se abandone por las naciones del the high seas. derecho de apresar propiedades privadas en el mar. ARTICLE x. ARTICULO x. When any vessel belongingto the Cuando un buque perteneciente Vessels citizens of either of the contracting 6 un ciudadano de una de las na- ;';§3‘;§1°' parties shall be wrecked, or shall ciones contratantes, haya naufra- ` suffer any damages in the seas, riv- gado 6 sufrido algun dano en los ers, or channels, within the domin- mares, rios 6 canales pertenecientes ions of the other, there shall be ala otra, se prestara socorroi progiven to them all assistance and teccion en la misma forma que é. los protection, in the same manner buques de la nacion en que aconwhich is usual and customary with tece el dano, permitiéndole, si fuesc the vessels of the nation where the necessario, descargar dicho buque damage happens, permitting them de sus mercancias i efectos, sin to unload the said vessel, if neces- exijir por ello derecho ni impuesto sary, of its merchandise and effects, ni contribucion alguna. without exacting for it any duty, impost, or contribution whatever. ARTICLE XI. ABTICUL0 XI. All the ships, merchandise, and Todos los buques, mercaderias i captures by the effects belonging to the citizens efectos pertenecientes é. los ciuda- P*'°*°’· of one of the contracting parties, danos de una de las partes contrawhich may be captured by pirates, tantes, que fueren apresados por whether within the limits of its piratas dentro de los limites de su jurisdiction or on the high seas, and jurisdiccion, 6 que, siéndolo en altar may be carried or found in the riv- mar, fuesen llevados a los r10s, raers, roads, bays, ports, or dominions das, 6 bahias, 6 encontrados en los of the other, shall be delivered up puertos 6 dominios dc la otra, senin to the owners, they proving, in due entregados 6. sus duenos, probando form, their rights before the compe- estos en debida forma sus derechos tent tribunals; it being well under- ante los tribunales competentes;
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