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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1066

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l0l4 TREATY WITH BOLIVIA. MAY 13, 1858. ARTICLE XX. ARTICULO XX. Blochés;. And whereas it frequently hap- Y como frecuentemente sucede pens that vessels sail for a port or que navegan buques para puertos 6 places belonging to an enemy with- lugares pertenecientes al cnemigo, out knowing that the same is be- sin saber que se hallan sitiados, blosieged, blockaded, or invested, it is queados, 6 atacados, se conviene en agreed that every vessel so circum- que todo buque que se halle eu este stanced may be turned away from caso pueda ser rechazado de tal such port or place, but shall not be puerto 6 lugar, mas no detenido, ni detained; nor shall any part of her contiseada, parte alguna de su carga, cargo, if not contraband, be contis- sino es contrabando de guerra, a. cated, unless, after warning of such menos que despues de notificarsele blockade or investment from any el bloqueooataque por un oficial que officer commanding a. vessel of the mande un buque de las fuerzas bloblockading forces, they shall again queadoras, insistiera en entrar; pero attempt to enter; but she shall be se le permitiré. ir a. cualquier otro permitted to go to any other port or puerto o lugar que juzque a propoplace she shall think proper. Nor sito. Ningun buque de una parte shall any vessel of either that may que hubiese entrado en un puerto, have entered into such port before antes de que fuese sitiado, bloqueado, the same was actually besieged, 6 atacado por la otra, podra. ser imblockaded, or invested by the other, pedido de salir del lugar con su carbe restrained from quitting such ga; ni si se encontrase alli despues place with her cargo ; nor, if found de la reduccion 6 entrega, estara sutherein after the reduction and sur- jeto tal buque 6 su carga a confisreuder, shall such vessel or her cargo cacion, sino que se le restituira é. su be liable to confiscation, but they duefio 6 propietario. shall be restored to the owners thereotl LRTICLE xxx. luzrxcuno XXI. Visitingmd In order to prevent all kind of Para prevenir todo jénero de des- .

:'餰;:f' disorder in the visiting and exami- orden en la visita i ecsamen de log

gox nation of the ships and cargoes of buques i cargamentos de ambas parboth the contracting parties on the tes contratantes en alta mar, conviehigh seas, they mutually agree that, nen mutuamente que cuando un whenevera vessel of war shall meet buque de guerra encontrare a uu with a neutral of the other contract- neutral de la otra parte contratante, ing party, the first shall remain at el primero permanecera 6, una cona convenient distance, and may send veniente distancia, i enviara sus its boats with two or three men only, botes con dos 6 tres hombres solain order to execute the said exami- mente, con el objeto de ecsaminar nation of the papers concerning the los papeles coucernicntes A la proownership and cargo of the vessel, piedad i cargamento del buque, sin without causing the least extortion, causar la menor estorsion, violencia, violence, or ill—treatment., for which 6 maltratamiento, respecto é. lo cual, the commanders of the said armed los comandantes de dichos buques ships shall be responsible with their armados, seran responsables con sus persons and property; for which personas i propiedades; para cuyo purpose the commanders of private fin los comandantes de buques priarmed vessels shall, before receiving vados armados, antes de recibir sus their commissions, give sufficient se- comisiones, daran suflciente seguri— curity to answer for all the damages dad para responder por todos los they may commit; and it is express- daiios i pcrjuicios que cometieren. ly agreed that the neutral party Se conviene espresamente en que la shall in no case be required to go parte neutral, en ningun caso, sera on board the examining vessel for requerida a ir a bordo del buque