TREATY WITH BOLIVIA. MAY 13, 1858. 1013 arms, o&`ensive and defensive, and 4°. Y jeneralmente todo jenero de instruments of iron, steel, brass, and armas ofensivas 6 delensivns, é in·· copper, or any other materials, man- stru memos de hierro. uccro, bronoe ufactured, prepared, and formed i cobre, 6 de otras materias, manuexpressly to make war by sea or fiicturados, preparatlos, i formados land. espresamente para hacer la guerra por mar 6 por tierra. ARTICLE xvxu. ABIICULO XVIII. All other merchandises and things Cualesquiera otras mercaderias i pmpmy me not comprehended in the articles cosas no comprendidas en los articu- ¢¤¤¤¤¤r¤¢¤<1 *5 of contraband explicitly enumerated los de contrabando, esplicitamente ,°;::r°ba°d’ t° W and classified as above, shall be held numerados i clasiticados arriba, se and considered as free, and subjects lendran,i consideraran como libres of free and lawful commerce, so that i materia de libre i legitimo comerthey may be carried and transported cio, de manera que puedau ser llcin the freest manner by the citizens vadas i trasportadas, en el modo of both the contracting partieg even mas libre, por los ciudadanos de las to places belonging to an enemy, ex- dos partes contratantes ann 6 lugacepting only those places which are res pcrtenecientes al enemigo; esat that time besieged or blockaded; oeptuando unicamente aquellos lu¢ and to avoid all doubt in this partie. gares que en nquel tiempo esten ular, it is declared that those places sitiados 6 bloqueados ; i para evitar or ports only are besieged or block- toda duda en este particular, se deaded which me actually attacked by clara que unicamente se consideran a belligerent force capable of pre- sltiados 6 bloqueados, aqnellos luventing the entry of the neutral. gw‘¢S 6 pH6ft0S que ¢·>Sl<~>¤ =i· la S¤Z¤¤ atacados por una fuerza capaz de impedir la. entrada del neutral. ARTICLE xrx. Akmcono XIX. The articles of contraband before L0S ¤1'li¢{¤l¤S <l¢ ¤¤¤¤‘¤l>8¤d0 Y¤ whstpmpsrty enumerated and classified which may ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤‘¤d0S 1 ¤l¤\S¤6¢¤d¤¤, q¤¤ ¤¤ €¤· f?';? '“ ,;'°°“°l“ be found in a vessel bound to an en- cuentren 6. bordo dc un buque desti· Hscafeff °°°` emy’s port: shall be subject to deten- nagic ll ¤¤ puerto enqmigv. €$t¤}'$·¤ tion and confiscation, leaving free S¤,l€i0S 6 d€¢¤¤0¤0¤ 1 ¤0¤HS¢8¢1¤¤; the rest of the cargo and the ship, qucdando libre 91 FBSI0 do la ¢¤¥‘g8 that the owners may dispose of them i 6} buque, Pam q¤¤ 105 d¤*>?|08 as they See proper, No vessel of puedan bacer uso de ellos como les either of the two nations shall be p¤\'€Z¤¤· ¢0¤V¢¤l¤¤i¢· N¤¤g¤¤ l>¤q¤¤ amines on the high seas on account dc ¤i¤g¤¤=¤ dv las mw <>¤¤¢¤¤t¤¤¢¤¤ of having on board articles of con- [10d!'?- S8? d€i€¤ld¤ €¤ alia ma? P0? trnbnnd, whenever the master, cap- tener a bordo articulos de contramin, or supert-ar-go of said vessel will bando si el maestre, capxtan, 6 sodeliver up the articles of contraband brecargo de dncho buque quiere ento the captor, unless the quantity of tregar los articulos de contrabando such articles be so great or of so Hi SPY8h8H50B 6 ¤¤€¤¤¤ do que $6% large a bulk that they cannot be re- tan grande 6 de tanto vpllimen la ceived on board the capturing ship cautidad de los tales arttculos, que without great inconvenience; but in no puedan ser rectbldos 6. bordo del this, as well as in all other cases of buque aprehensor sm grande inconjust detention, the vessel detained vcnieute; pero en este, como en shall be sent to the nearest conven- cualqutera otro caso de gusts deten- `ient and safe port for trial and judg- cion, el buque detenido sera. enviado ment according to law. al puerto mas imnediato, seguro 1 c6- modo para ser juzgado con arreglo ei. las leyes.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1065