TREATY WITH BOLIVIA. MAY 13, 1858. 1019 other public agents of any other dera los ministros i otros agentes power, shall, by the same act, be publicos de cualquiera otra potenextended to those of each of the cia, seran por el mismo hecho escontracting parties. tendidos 6, los de cada una de las partcs contratantes. ARTICLE XXXL ARTICUL0 XXXL To make effectual the protection Para hacer mas efectiva Ia pro- _Co¤s¤ls and which the United States and the teccion que la Republica de Bolivia “°°°°°”°l°' Republic of Bolivia shall afford in i los Estados Unidos prestaran en future to the navigation and com- lo futuro 5. la navegacion ial comermerce of the citizens of each other, cio de sus ciudadanos respectivos, they agree to receive and admit convienen en recibir i admitir conconsuls and vice-consuls in all the sules i vice-consules en todos los ports open to foreign commerce, puertos abiertos al comercio estranwho shall enjoy in them all the jero, quienes gozaran en ellos de rights, prerogatives, and immunities todos los derechos, prerogativas, 6 of the consuls and vice-consuls of inmunidades de los consules 6 vicethe most favored nation; each cou- consules de la nacion mas favorecitracting party, however, remaining da, quedaudo sin embargo cada at liberty to except those ports and una de las partes contratantes libre places in which the admission and para esceptuar aquellos puertos i residence of such cousuls and vice- lugares en que la admision i resiconsuls may not seem convenient. dencia de tales consules i vice-consules no le parezca convenieute. ARTICLE xxxu. ARTICUL0 XXX]!. In order that the consuls and Para que los consules i vice—con- Credentials and vice-consuls of the two contracting sules de las dos partes contratantes ‘“"9““‘"" parties may enjoy the rights, im- puedan gozar de los derechos, premunities, and prerogatives which rogativas, 6 inmunidades que les belong to them by their public char- pertenecen por su camcter ptiblico, acter, they shall, before entering eosibiran, antes de entrar en el upon their functions, exhibit their ejercicio do sus funciones, su comicommission or patent in due form sion 6 patente en debida forma, al to the government to which they gobierno ante quien son acreditaare accredited, and, having obtained dos,i habiendo obtenido el excquazur, their exequatur, they shall be held seran tenidos i considerados como and considered as such by all the tales, por todas las autoridades, maauthorities, magistrates, and inhab- jistrados, i habitantes del distrito itants in the consular district in consular en que residen. which they reside. ARTICLE XXXIII. ARTLCULO xxxm. It is also agreed that the consuls, Convienen igualmente en que los Exemption on and officers and persons attached to cdnsules, oticiales, i demas personas °°”“l’•&°‘ the consulate, they not being citizens agregadas al consulado, no siendo of the country in which the consul ciudadanos del pals en que reside resides, shall be exempted from all el consul, estaran esentos de todo kinds of imposts and contributions, jénero de impuestos i contribucioexcept those which they shall be nes, escepto equellos que esten obobliged to pay on account of their ligados a pagar por razon de comercommerce or property, to which the cio i de su propiedad, 1 6. que citizens or inhabitants, native or for- estan sujetos los ciudadanos x otros eign, of the country in which they habitantes del pais en que resrden, reside are subject, being, in every- estando ellos por lo demas sujetos von. x11. 'lfmsxr.-131
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