1020 TREATY WITH BOLIVIA. MAY 13, 1858. thing besides, subject to the laws a las leyes de los respectivos estaof the respective states. The ar- dos. Los archivosi papeles de los chives and papers of the consulate consulados seran inviolablcmente reshall be respected inviolably, and spetados,i bajo ningun pretesto se under no pretext whatever shall apoderara ni intervendra en ellos any magistrate seize, or in any way ningun majistrado. interfere with them. ARTICLE xxxxv. ARTICUL0 xxxtv. Deserters from The said consuls shall have pow- Los dichos consules tendrzin fa~ "“°1“' er to require the assistance of the cultad para requerir el ausilio do authorities of the country for the las autoridades del pals, para el arrest, detention, and custody of de- arresto, detencion, i custodia de los serters from the public and private desertores dc los buques publicos vessels of their country; and for i privados de su nacion; i para el that purpose they shall address efecto se dirijirzin a los tribunales, themselves to the courts, judges, jueces,i autoridacles competentes, and officers competent, and shall i pediran por escrito dichos deserdemand the said deserters in writ- tores, probando con la manifestacion ing, proving by an exhibition of the de los registros 6 roles de los buques, registers of the vessels' or ships’ ocon otros documentos publicos, que roll, or other public documents, that aquellos hombres hacian parte de those men were part of the said dicha tripulacion; iprobada asi la. crews; and on this demand, so demanda, no podra ser rehusada la. proved, (saving, however, when the entrega, (salvo, no obstante cuando contrary is proved,) the delivery haya prueba en contrario.) Tales shall not be refused. _ Such desert- desertores, una vez arrestados, serau ers, when arrested, shall be put at puestos a disposicion de dichos conthe disposal of said consuls, and sules, i podran ponerse en las primay be put in the public prisons, siones pnblicas, a instancia i costa at the request and expense of those de los que los reclamen, para ser who reclaim them, to be sent to the enviados a los buques zi que perte— ships to which they belonged, or to necian 6 zi otros de la misma nacion. others of the same nation; but if Pero, si no fueren enviados dentro they be not sent back within two de dos meses, que deben contarse months, to be counted from the day desde el dia de su arresto, seran of their arrest, they shall be set at puestos en libertad, i no volveran é. liberty, and shall be no more ar- ser arrestados por la misma causa. rested for the same cause. ARTICLE xxxv. ARTICULO Xxxv. Consular com For the purpose of more etlec- Con el fin de protejer mas eficazvention. tually protecting their commerce mente su comercio i navegacion, las and navigation, the two contract- dos partes contratantes convienen ing parties agree, as soon hereaf- por el presente, en formar, luego ter as circumstances will permit que las eircunstancias lo permitan, them, to Form a. consular conven- una convencion consular que detion, which shall declare especially clare especialmentc las facultades the powers and immunities of the é inmunidades de los consules i consuls and vice-consuls of the vice-consules de las respeetivas respective parties. partes. ARTICLE Xxxvr. ARTICUL0 XXXVI. The United States of America La Republica de Bolivia i los and the Republic of Bolivia, desir- Estados Unidos de América, deseing to make as durable as circum- ando hacer tan duraderas como las
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