1022 TREATY WITH BOLIVIA. MAY I3, I858. Treaty not to 4th. Nothing in this treaty shall, 4°. Nada de lo oontenido en este °°Pm°*}'l*h °°"‘ however, be construed or operate tratado se entenderé., sin embargo,
- ?;t§,§}°°°g contrary to former and existing pub- capaz de producir efectos contrariog
lic treaties with other sovereigns a tratados anteriores con otros esand states. tados 6 soberanos. How to be mi- The present treaty of peace, ami- El presente tratado de paz, amig. H°d‘ ty, commerce, and navigation shall tad, comercio, i navegacion sera rati. be ratified by the President of the flcado por el Presidente de la Re- United States of America, by and publica de Bolivia con la aprobawith the advice and consent of the cion del Congreso Nacional,i por Senate thereof, and by the President el Presidente de los Estados Unidos of the Republic of Bolivia, with the de América, con el dictamen i conapprobation of the National Con- sentimiento del Senado de dichos gross; and the ratifications shall be Estados; i las ratificaciones seran exchanged in the capital of the Re- canjeadas en la capital de la Reptibpublic of Bolivia within eight lica. de Bolivia dentro de ocho months, to be counted from the date meses, que deberan contarse desde of the ratification by both govern- la data de dichas ratiticaciones por ments. ambos gobiernos. In faith whereof, we, the plcnipo- En fe de lo cual, nos los plenitentiaries of the United States of potenciarios de la Republica de Bo- America and of the Republic of livia i de los Estados Unidos de Bolivia, have signed and sealed América, hémos iirmado i sellado el these presents. presente. Signature. Done in La Paz, 0n the thirteenth (13th) day of May, in the Hecho en La Paz, el trece de year of our Lord one thousand Mayo, del aio del Seior de mil eight hundred and fifty-eight, ocho éientos cincuentai ocho. (A. D. 1858.) JOHN WV. DANA, [L. s.] LUCAS M. DE LA TAPIA, LUCAS M. DE LA TAPIA, [1.. s.] [L. s.] JOHN W. DANA, [L. s.] Exchange of ’§‘·;:g‘;;3g;‘S§ And whereas the said treaty, as amended, has been duly ratiticd on 1862. ’ both parts, and the respective ratilications of the same were exchanged at La Paz, on the 9th of November last, by David K. Cartter, Minister Resident of the United States, and Sefior Don Manuel José Cortiz, Minister for Foreign Relations of Bolivia, on the part of their respective governments, the time specified for that purpose by the thirty-sixth article pmcmmed having been extended by the contracting parties. ·l¤¤¤¤¤¤‘.Y 8, 1863- Now, therefore, be it known that I, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of the United States of America, have caused the said treaty to be made public, to the end that the same, and every clause and article thereof, may be observed and fuliilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be aflixed. Done at the city of Washington, this eighth day of January, [-L S] in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and 'sixty-three, and of the Independence of the United States the eighty-seventh. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President: WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.