TREATY WITH BOLIVIA. MAY 13, 1858. 1021 stances will permit the relations circunstancias lo permitan las relawlnch are established between the ciones que quedan establecidas entre two parties by virtue of this treaty las dos partes, por virtud de este of peace, amity, commerce, and tratado de paz, amistad, comercio,i navigation, declare solemnly and navegacion, han declarado solemneagree to the following points: — mente i convenieu en los siguientes puntos:-— lst. The present treaty shall re- 1°. El presente tratado permane- Duration ofthis main in full force and virtue for the cera. en plena fuerza i valor por el *8*** term of ten years, to be counted termino de diez aiios, que se contafrom the day of the exchange of ran desde cl dia del canje de las the ratificazions, and further, until ratificaciones,i en adelante, hasta el the end of one year after either of fin de un ano despues que una de the contracting parties shall have las partes haya notiticado at la otra given notice to the other of its su intencion de haeerlo cesar; reintention to terminate the same; servandose cada una de las partes each of the contracting parties re- contratantes el derecho de hacer serving to itself the right of giving semejante notificacion a. la otra, al such notice to the other at the end fin de dicho termino de diez afios. of said term often years; and it is Yse conviene ademas entre las paragreed between them that, on the tes, que a. la espiracion de un afio expiration of one year after such despues que la notilicacion hayasido notice shall have been received by recibida por una du ellas, este traeither from the other party, this tado, en todas sus partes re ativas treaty, in all its parts relative to al comercio i navegacion, cesara. i commerce and navigation, shall al- terminara enteramente, i en todas together cease and determine; and aquellas partes que dicen relacion in all those parts which relate to a la paz i amistad, sera. perpetuo i peace and friendship, it shall be permanentemente ebligatorio para perpetual and permanently binding ambas potencias. on both powers. 2d. If one or more of the citizens 2°. Si cualquiera 6 cualesquiera Infringement_ of either party shall infringe any of ciudadanos de una u otra parte g;g°”lY bt °m‘ the articles of this treaty, such cit- quebrantaren alguno de los articu- ' izen shall be held personally respon- los del presente tratado, dicho ciudasible for the same, and harmony and dano 6 ciudadanos seran personalgood correspondence between the mente responsables,i la armenia i two nations shall not be interrupted buena correspondencia entre las dos thereby, each party engaging in no naciones no seran por eso interrumway to protect the offender, or sanc- pidas, comprometiéndose cada parte tion such violation. at no protejer al ofensor 6 snncionar tal violacion. 3d. If, (what indeed cannot be ex- 3°. Si, (lo que no es de esperar,) Proceedings in - - . · case of violation pected,) unfortunately, any of the dasgtaciadamente alguno de los of any Mime_ articles contained in the present articulos contenidos en este tratado treaty shall be violated, or infringed fuése violado é infrinjido de alguna in any other mode whatever, it is otra manera, se estipula espresaexpressly stipulated that neither of mente que ninguna de las partes the contracting parties will order or contratantes ordenara ni autorizara authorize any act of reprisal, nor ningnn acto de represalia, ni decladeclare war against the other, on rare. guerra contrala otra, por quejas complaints of injuries or damages, de agravios 6 perjuicios, hasta que until the said party considering it- la dicha parte que se considere ofenself offended shall have first pre- dida haya presentado at la otra una sented to the other a statement of representacion de tales injurias o such injuries or damages, verified by dafios, veritieada por pruebas Geelcompetent proofs, and demanded jus- pctentes,i haya demandado justicia, tice, and the same shall have been ique esta le haya side rehusada 6 either rethsed ·or unreasonably de- retardada sin razeu. layed.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1073