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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1086

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1034 TREATY WITH THE MENDAWAKAN TON, &0. SIOUX. J UNE 19, 1858. dispute and ditiiculty between themselves and .other Indians, for the decision of the President of the United States, and to acquiesce in and abide Bwds *° ¤¤*'· thereby. They also agree to deliver to the proper officers all persons r°°d°' °E°°d°"' belonging to their said bands who may become offenders against the treaties, laws, or regulations of the United States, or the laws of the State of Minnesota, and to assist in discovering, pursuing, and capturing all such offenders whenever required so to do by such officers, through the agent or other proper officer of the Indian department. A¤_¤¤i¤¤¤ to ARTICLE VII. To aid in preventing the evils of intemperance, it is

%l;?;i§,f;°m hereby stipulated that if any of the members of the said Mendawakanton

&c., intoxicn.tilng and Wahpalroota bands of Sioux Indians shall drink, or procure for H‘l¤°”· others, intoxicating liquors, their proportion of the annuities of said bands shall, at the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, be withheld from them for the period of at least one year; and for a violation of any of the stipulations of this agreement on the part of any members of said bands, the persons so offending shall be liable to have their annuities withheld and to be subject to such other punishment as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. Secretary of ARTICLE VIII. Such of the stipulations of former treaties as provided g?::‘g°u“:)vl:_"° for the payment of particular sums of money to the said Mendawakanton mmm- and ob- and Wahpakoota bands, or for the application or expenditure of specific jms °Y_¤¤¤¤¤l amounts for particular objects or purposes, shall be, and hereby are, so °xP°mm°r°' amended and changed as to invest the Secretary of the Interior with discretionary power in regard to the manner and objects of the annual expenditure of all such sums or amounts which have accrued and are now due to said bands, together with the amount the said bands shall become annually entitled to under and by virtue of the provisions of this agreement: Provided, The said sums or amounts shall be expended for the benefit of said bands at such time or times and in such manner as the said Secretary shall deem best calculated to promote their interests, welfare, and advance in civilization. And it is further agreed, that such change may be made in the stipulations of former treaties which provide for the payment of particular sums for specified purposes, as to permit the chiefs and braves of said bands or any of the subdivisions of said bands, with the sanction of the Secretary of the Interior, to authorize such payment or expenditures of their annuities, or any portion thereofQ which are to become due hereafter, as may be deemed best for the general interests and welfare of the said bands or subdivisions thereoh $,,,,,,6,,, de, Anrrcw IX. As the Senate struck from the treaty with the Mendecide whether wakanton band of Sioux of the twenty-ninth day of September, one thou- $;?é°°&°l;u£° sand eight hundred and thirty-seven, the ninth clause of the second ggmpbglp article and the whole of the third article of said treaty, which provided S32'; $11- PP- for the payment of four hundred and fifty (450) dollars annually, for ’twenty years, to Scott Campbell, and coniirmed to the said Scott Campbell a title to ive hundred (500)_acres of land which he then occupied, said payment and land being deemed by said Indians to form a part of the consideration for which they ceded to the United States a certain tract of land in said treaty specined, which reduction, in the consideration for said land, has never been sanctioned by said Indians, the said Mendawakantons and Wahpakoota bands now request that provision be made for the payment of the sum of ten thousand (10,000) dollars to A. J. Campbell, the son of said Scott Campbell, now deceased, in full consideration of the money stipulated to be paid and land confirmed to said Scott Campbell in the original draft of said treaty aforesaid; which subject is United Sum heppby submggedfip the Senate for ips favprable consideraftiolms 1rr1cLs e ex enses atten mvt e nevotiation o tvrecment xxgggiif shall be defrayed by thepUnited States? Q an .