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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1087

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TREATY WITH THE MENDAWAKANTON, Sto. SIOUX. JUNE 19, 1858. 1035 ·In testimony whereof§ the said Charles E. Mix, Commissioner, as afore- Signatures, said, and the undersigned chiefs and headmen of the said Mendawa- J“”° ”• 185* kanton and Wahpakoota bands, have hereunto set their hands and seals at the place and on the day first above written. CHARLES E. MIX, Commissioner, [L. s.] WA-BASH·AW, his x mark. [L. s.] CI-IE·TAN-A-KOO-A-MO-NEE, (Little Crow,) his x mark. L. s. WA-SU-HI-YA-HI-DAN, his x mark. L. s. SHA—KO—PEE, (Six,) his x mark. L. s. WA-MIN-DEE-'ION-KEE, (Large War Eagle,) his x mark. L. s. MUZ-ZA-O-JAN-JAN, (Iron Light,) his x mark. L. s. MA·KAW·TO, (Blue Earth,) his x mark. L. s. HU-SHAW-SHAW', (SR.ed Legs,) his.x mark. L. S. HIN-HAN-DU-TA, ( carlet Owl,) his x mark. L. s. HA-RAKA—MUZ-ZA, (Iron Elk,) his x mark. L. s. WU·KA—NO-J AN·J AN, (Medicine Light,) his x mark. [L. S. TA-CHUNEPEE-MUZZA, (His Iron War Club,) his x mark. L. s. WA·KIN-YAN-TO·WA, (Owns the Thunder,) his x mark. L. s. CHUNR-PI-YOU-HA, (Has a War Club,) his x mark. L. s. ON-KEE-TER-HI-DAN, (Little Whale,) his x mark. L. s. `WA—MO-U-I-SA, (The Thief,) his x mark. L. s. PA-PA, (Sharp,) his x mark. L. S. TA-TA-I-BOM-DU, (Scattering Wind,) his x mark. L. s. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of- Josnru R. Bn0wN, Sioux Agent, A. J. CAMPBELL, Interpreter, N. R. Baown, A. Rosmmson, J om: Downme, Jsuns R. Rocmt, B. D. Hun, H. J. Mrmcx, Taos. A. Ronnarsou, F1:. Soummu And whereas the said treaty having been submitted to the Senate of S GMM ¤f the United States for its constitutional action thereon, the Senate did, ou 9, ,86, the ninth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, advise and consent to the ratification of the same by a resolution in the words and figures following, to wit: “IN Exmourxvm Sassron, “ Smwrn or me Umrsn Sums, March 9, 1859. " Resolved, (two thirds of the senators present concurring,) That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the articles of agreement and convention made and concluded on the 19th day of June, 1858, with the Mendawakanton and Wahpakoota bands of the Dakota or Sioux Indians. ·· Arrest; ¢· ASBURY DICKINS, Secretary." Now, therefore, be it known that I, JAMES BUCHANAN, President Mmlmgim of the United States of America, do, in pursuance of the advice and con- 3*1 ° ' sent of the Senate, as expressed in their resolution of March the one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, accept, ratify, and confirm said treaty. vox.. xxx. Tenn.-133