TREATY WITII THE SISSEETON, &¤., SIOUX. JUNE 19, 1858. 1037 Treaty between the United States and the Sisseeton and Wahpaton Bands ¢y" the Dakota or Sioux Tribe mf Indians. Ooncluded at Washington, June 19, 1858. Ratifed hi; the Senate, Jllarch 9, 1859. Proclaimed by the President of the United States, March 31, 1859. JAMES BUCHANAN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ro Am. Arm smouriuz ro wuoiu THESE ransnurs SHALL comm, emmrmc.: June 19, 1858. WHEREAS a treaty was made and concluded, at the city of Washing- Preamble. ton, on the nineteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty- eight, by Charles E. Mix, Commissioner on the part of the United States, and the following named chiefs and headmen of the Sisseeton and Wahpaton bands of the Dakota or Sioux tribe of Indians, viz.: Maz·zah-shaw, Wandupidutah, Ojupi, and Hahutanai, on the part of the Sisseetons, and Maz-zomanee, Muz-zakoote-mance, Upiyahideyaw, Umpedutokechaw, and Tachaudupahotanka, on the part of the Wahpatons, they being duly authorized and empowered to act for said bands, which treaty is in the words and figures following, to wit: Articles of agreement and convention made and concluded at the city contracting of Washington, on the nineteenth day of June, one thousand eight hun- P¤¤‘*i¤¤· dred and fifty-eight, by Charles E. Mix, Commissioner on the part of the United States, and the following named chiefs and headmen of the Sisseeton and Wahpaton bands of the Dakota or Sioux tribe of Indians, viz.: Maz-zah-shaw, Wandupidutah, Ojupi, and Hahutanai, on the part of the Sissectons, and Maz·zomanee, Muz-zakoote-mance, Upiyahideyaw, Umpedutokechaw, and Tachandupahotanka, on the part of the Wahpatons, they being duly authorized and empowered to act for said bands. Anrrcnm I. It is hereby agreed and stipulated that, as soon as practi- 80 apres cfmcable after the ratification of this agreement, so much of that part of the :iQQ;g";a°ghb° reservation or tract of land now held and possessed by the Sisseeton and head of a family Wahpaton bands of the Dakota or Sioux Indians, and which is described 0*. &<=· in the third article of the treaty made with them on the twenty-third day V°l• ¤· P- 9*9 of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, which lies south or southwestwardly of the Minnesota River, shall constitute a reservation for said bands, and shall be surveyed, and eighty acres thereof, as near as may be in conformity with the public surveys, be allotted in severalty to each head of a family or single person over the age of twenty-oue years, in said bands of Indians; said allotments to be so made as to include a proper proportion of timbered land, if the same be practicable, in each of said allotments. The residue of said part of said reservation not so Residue to be allotted shall be held by said bands in common, and as other Indian lands Mldm °°'“m°“· are held: Provided, however, That eighty acres thereotQ as near as may be, shall in like manner, as above provided for, be allotted to each of the Frgtbsf ¤U<>¢· minors of said bands on his or her attaining their majority, or on becom- mm ` ing heads of families, by contracting marriage, if neither of the parties shall have previously received land. All the necessary expenses of the su§v’;K;;“;;?,‘;*i_ surveys and allotments thus provided for shall be defrayed out of the k,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,, funds of said bands of Indians in the hands of the government of the borne- United States. _ P t t t . As the members of said bands become capable of managing their busi- me “,_g“t;‘m; ness and affairs, the President of the United States may at his discretion me 1..;..1;,,
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1089