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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1090

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1038 TREATY WITH THE SISSEETON, &G., SIOUX. JUNE 19, 1858. Lmnis gg M cause patents to be issued be them for the tracts of land allotted to them fffgznd nxm respectively, in conformity with this article; said tracts to be exempt bo a1ismusd,ox· fiom levy, taxation, sale, or forfeiture, until otherwise provided thr by tho °°P*» &°· legislature of the State in which they are situated, with the assent of Congress; nor shall they be sold or alienated in fee, or be in any other manner disposed of; except to the United States or to members of said bands. Prcumbw ARTICLE II. Whereas, by the treaty with the Sisscoton and Wahpaton p,.0v;S;(,,,S of bonds of Sioux Indians, concluded at Traverse des Sioux on the twenty- tvwty ¤f July third day of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-ono, said bands 23* 18m' retained for their " future occupancy and home," " to be held by them as Vol. x. p. 949. Indian lands are held, all that tract of country on the Minnesota River, from tho western boundary " of the ccssion therein mudc "cast to the Tcl1a.-tom-ba Rnver on the north, and to the Yellow Medicine River on the south sado, to extend on each side a distance of not less than ton miles from the general course of said Minnesota River;" Amended by And whereas the Senate of the United States so amended said treaty as

  • l‘° S°““*°· tostrike therefrom the provision setting apart the said land as a home fog

V°1 x p 951 sand bands, and made provision for the payment to said bands, " at the rata of Jen cents per acre, for the land included in the said tractso retained au set apart for tho occupancy and homo " of said bands, and also provided, in addition thereto, that there should be “ set apart by appropriate landmarks and boundaries such tracts of country without the limits of the céssnon nnadc by the first article of the said treaty as shall be satisfactory for their future occupancy and home ; " said Senate amendment provxding also "{hnt the President may, with the consent of these Indians, ym·y tl1c conditions aforesaid, if deemed expedieut;” ull of which provis- 10ns m smd amendment were asscntcd to by said Indians; And whereas the Pnssidsnt so far varied the conditions of said Sonata zgcudxnent is to perm;; sand bands to locate for the time being upon the ct omgmn y reserve y said bands for 2, home, and " no tract of country, without the limits of the ccssion" made in the said treaty, has ever been provided for or offered no said bands ; pmvgsgonsoy Aim] whereas, by the act making appropriations for the current and

 of 1854, ch. contingent ex penses  of tho Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty

WSL L P 8% sgnunilatnons x;ntl1 va1;oos Iudi?1 tribes, apgrovcd July 31, 1854, the Presx un was uu aorxzee to con `rm to the ioux of Minnesota forever tho roscrvo on the Minnesota River now occupied by them, upon such conditions as he may deem just ; " —· And whereas, although the President has not directly confirmed said zescrzc to sai? Indians; they claim that, as they were entitled to receive suc tracts 0 country ’ as should "bc satisfactory for their future occupancy and homc," and as no other country than this reservation was ever progxdcd fogor offereo to tlximmand as valuable improvements have been ma 0 on sm reservatxon wxt t c mone s belonvinv to s1'd ba d 't ' !igl’C€d Z'lll(l stipulated that the qucstionyshall bccsnhmittoillto th; gehalg

§g,f?:§?;, 3§   dcclsnoff glxctlucgr they have such title, and if lhey have, what compento  mi  1 i  ifi gin {11; ¢» Tw 0 f 0 flljvlli for that part of szuo reservation or tract of

to be fmbmmm an ymc on tru nonth sxdc of tho Minnesota Rxver; whether they shall is l;<%;;llg:·5L atggaézcnichsném 0Lm;>ne¥ thexéefo1·, emo if so, how much; or in b d T .‘ s 13 c so or mr enoiit 1; my to receive the ros,,,?;,};,,;':: cocds of snch solo, deducting the necessary szzpenses incident thexgto. neu- .wor. Such $819, 1f dccxdcll in favor of by the Senate, shall be made under and acgol mg :0 rogulations tors prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, an an suc 1 manner as W1 secure to them the larvcst sum 't b ticnble to obtain for said land. U 1 may B pim g,.;,,,, pimmds 131gr1 oL1·: III: It is also z1grecd that if the Scnatc shall authorize tho

36;;; {gm.: gl  9¤lgl]£\l¢i.l IH artxclc two of thus agreement to be sold for the benefit

0 t o sand Sxssccton and Walxputon bands, or shall prescribe an amount