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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1323

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EX T0 VOLUME XII. A' m,, Aiaianaaor Slavery, ”‘°” Abandoned, _ _ the United States should aid any state goods deposited in public store or bond- in the gradual, 617 ed warehouse, when to be deemed and appeal of President for gradual,. .Appen<lix, taken to be abandoned to the govern- 1265 ment, . 294 pecuniary aid towards, to be again rec- Abancloneal or Captured Property, ommended to Congress, .. Appendix, in iusurrectionary districts, act for the1267 collection oi .. 820 Absent Owners. See Direct Taxi special agents to be appointed to receive lists of property of} for direct tax, how and collect, ... . 820 made, ... . . 298 such property not to include arms, ord- taxes on property of how collected, 305 nance, ships, steamboats, munitions redemption of lands oi sold for taxes,.. 306 of war, &c., ... 820 Academy,Militmjy, . . 23, 68, 124, 337, 630 such property may be appropriated to See Military Acadom . public use, at an appraiscment, .. 820 Academy, Naval, .. . 8g 149, 565, 818 or may be sold at auction in loyal See Naval Academy. states, 820 Academy of Sciences, bond of special agents, ... 820 act to incorporate the national,. ... 806 special agents to keep books of account, 820 corporators, members, ... 806 books to show what, . 820 election of foreign and domestic mempersons claiming to be owners, may bers, .. . . . . 806 petition court of claims within two annual meeting,. .. . ... . . 806 years after the suppression of the re- investigations, &c., on subjects of science bellion,. ,. . ... 820 and art, .. 806, 807 upon what proof may recover, 820 expenses thereof,.. . 806, 807 lawful expenses to be first deduct- Accounts, ed, ... 820 of certain disbursing officers to be settled, 115 property coming into loyal states from of collectors oftaxes,how tobe made, &c., 306 states in insurrection, except through what to be kept at Treasury Departspecial agents, &c., to be confiscated, 820 ment, ofmoneys received from taxes, 308 proceedings for condemnation and to be laid before Congress annually, 308 sale, ., 820 of officers and crews of certain vessels persons through whom it comes lost at Hampton Roads, to be equitaunlawfully, to be punished, . 821 bly settled, 370 hues and penalties may be remit of disbursing officers and agents, to be ted,. ... 821 settled monthly, ,.. 593, 694 pay of special agents at ports opened in affidavit of officer commanding comstatcs in insurrection, .. 821 pany, to show loss of vouchers, .. 641 oflicers and soldiers receiving any such See Titles of the various Officers or lndividuals. property, or cotton, sugar, rice, or to- Acknowledgment, bacco, to turn the same over to spe- certain deeds of public squares and lots cial agents, ,. . . 821 in Wasliington, D. C., not to be invalid penalty for not so doing, .. 821 for want oti . . .. 807 this act not to apply to lawful maritime Acting Assistant Paymasters, prizes,.. ... . ... 821 temporary appointments of} confirmed, Abatement, until, &C.,. . . . . . . . . 818 of quota of direct tax apportioned to a rate of pay approved, 818 state, when paid by the state,.. 311, 312 Acting Ensiqns, fiftccn pcr cent. to be abated, . 311 temporary appointments of} confirmed, of fifteen per cent. of direct tax if paid until, &c., .,...,... 818 by state before, &c., ... 384 rate of pay approved, 818