1272 INDEX. _ nor _ run Acting Masters, Additional Clerks and Employees, (continued.) in the navy, when placed in the line of appropriation for, .,.. 752 promotion, . ... 584 three authorized in the office of the so- Adiag olunteer Lieutenants, licitor of the treasury, Z . 739 m the navy, when placed in the line of two clerks to be appointed in 0Hice of promotion, 584 siguslofficer, .. 753 Aclbm. See Habeas Corpus. Additional Duties, _ against officers for false arrest, &c., any under transportation bonds, to be remitorder of the President to be a defence ted in certain cases, 271 t0, . .. . 756 Acyutant- General, how such defence may be made,. .. 756 appropriations for ofllce ot, 98, 139, 362, 689 may be removed to circuit court,. . 756, 757 may employ additional clerks,. Z . .. 277 proceedings for removal, .. 756, 757 department ot, of whom to consist, . 287 state court to proceed no further,756, 757 one adjutsmt-genera.! and nineteen asbail and attachments to hold, .. 757 sistauts, . . 287 may be carried to supreme court, .. 757 rank and pay of each, 287 to be commenced within two years, 757 additional clerks in office of,. .277, 333, 368, when limitation commences to run, 757 509, 695 Adams, Adelaide, may employ certain non-commissioned pension to, , .. . . . 847 officers as clerks, ... 333, 509 —-—,John, Worksq/Q officers in, to be increased, ... 597 distribution oi] ... '. . . 245 grade of captain in, abolished, . 597 Additional Aézpraiser-General, contingent expenses of department at on Paci c Coast, office oi abolished,. . . 411 head-quarters, .. 646, 648 Additional Clerks. See Clerks. “Admiral P. Tordenskiold," in office of Attorney-General, . 286 damages to be paid to the owners of the authorized in war department, 277, 333, 368 Norwegian bark, the, .. . 916 in office of adjutant-general, . . .277, 838, Admiralty, 868, 509, 695 competency of witnesses in suits in, to quaxtermastengeneral, 338 be determined by law of state in surgeon-general, . . 833, 509 which court is held, . 588, 589 paymaster-general,. .. 833, 509 Advance Bounty, chief of engineers, ... 833 payments of, to men discharged before chief of ordnance, ... 338 serving out their term, to be credited commissa.ry—genera1, .. . . . . 333 paymasters in settlements of accounts, 743 in the navy department, . 278, 283, 333 how to be charged, ... 743 appropriations or pay 06 . 368 Ad Valm-em Duties, in dead-letter umce, .. 332 imposed on certain articles, ... 293 twenty in pension-0E0e, .. 535 under internal revenue act, provisions intreasury department, appropriation for, 394 concerning, .. . 459 messengers, &c., in 0 ce of assistant Advance Pay, treasurer at New York, . 353 one m0¤th’s, to soldiers upon enlistduties, cornpensation, &c., 353 ment and being mustered into ser- Addinkmal Clerks an Employees, vice, .. 620 authorized, .. 694, 695 Advertisement. See Direct Tax. in office of Secretary of Treasury, 695 of proposals for national loan, . 260 second auditor, .. 695 to be made when mx-lists are complete, 299 third auditor, . . . . 695 that assessors will hear uppcals, &c., . . . 299 fifth auditor, .. . .. 695 that tux is payable, .. . ... 308 assistant treasurer at Boston, .. 695 of real estate for sale for non-payment at New York, 695 of taxes, .. . 304, 312 at St. Louis, . 695 of taxes due on property of non-resitreasurer of the mint, 695 dents, . 305 Secretary of the Navy, ... 695 Advertisements. See Internal Revenue. ordnance bureau. 695 duties on, &c., under the internal revenue bureau of provisions and clothing,. 695 act, .. 47 2, 473 medicine and surgery, 695 Advisory Board, equipment and recruiting, 695 on promotions in the navy, ... 584 navigation, .. . ... 695 to be appointed every four years,. . 584 navy department, 695 Ajfdavil, gension-oiilee, ._. 695 of commanding officer of company, may ecretary of War, ... . ... 695 be received to show loss of vouchers,. 641 iu office of adj utantrgencral, .. 695 in cases pending in patentrolhce, how quartermaster-general, 641, 695 may he taken, ... 246 surgeon-general, . 695 Ajirmation. See Oath. paymsster-general, ... 695 penalty for false, under tax law, ... 308 chief of engineers, ... 695 Ajiiean Descent, chief of or nance, .. 695 persons of, may be received into the commissary-general, . . 695 United States service, &c., .. 592, 599 clerks and employees, how appointed,. . 695 those rendering such service, and their apgcpriations for pay 0L ... 695 mothers, wives, and children to be in 0 ce of second comptroller, author- free, it] &»c., ... 599 ized, .. . . . . 752 pay and rations of} . . . 599
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