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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1325

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INDEX. 1273

 DCSC€Ht (condnued ) rum  d¢_Oam . $A6I

’ .· . _ p (continued) twpapkpdzemcooks ot, to be enhsted for certain, to be nominated to the Senate their W; . 744 for its advice and consent, .. 608 Ajhmnsy EW all PHY, --·-··-···- 744 aepeal of law anthorizing additional,. . . 696 recently landed in Florida, may be re- ligenfwi ippommx to commu} m sm" 597 $023 00 Africa, and umm fed, doth_ 41 Awww, » — - · s -·-- -· .. . . ._,___ , . .. .. tim f hld° `g ` A _ appropriation therefor, . 41 irfsnozlilnegn ldgniieég 28 9¤-*6% _ MS, _ _ post routes in, established . 151 appomted s regent of the Smithsonian annual directta o, rj gd . rr _lnstitut.ion, 825 blockades of poilts Iihcr on A m’nd:;r l ·12€8) jggszes, Indian. See [ndian Agencies. ’ ``°`` ppc 1 ’ 1256 . 9 > .h b`tan * ‘ . to be appointed to carry into effect con— mrgcéionfé Xnplezidixlgr 1262 Agents vegtggrhnsithofspugé . ... 795 qqmwergjd intercourse with, pg), for collection, &c·., otahandoped proper- A(,_ See 1,;;,:,; ```` Appendix' 1262 tyinrusurrectionm·y districts, . . .820, 821 provisions of internal revenue act, conspemal in Indian department, how ap- cerning, . . 446 450 453 pointed . ... 792 s . [ '`````` "’ · not to be employed in sale of bonds of Alem:tz·,u.F;r2m U U _ U l I . • · - l · • · l ·- 723 Weas, &c., unless Indians’ first agent, 793 life pension to, .. . . . . . 861 to transport models and specimens to Alexandria and Washzhgton Railroad the Pzitgnt-Oihce, authority to appoint, company may extend its road; .. .. 805 repea e , .. 247 h tea . See Claim Agenls, Indian Agents, Pat- W 51;:; of]If1.1?€)tv.(ir. Rdf. 805 ent Agents, Pensum Agents, Route rates of freight and fares,. . 805 AgriCuZlw_al·¢‘§§Ilj;*;;·u no person tp be excluded from cars on _ » account o co or,. . . t ... 805 deficlency for, for 1868, . .: 750, 761 company may make additional structure Agricultural (hl/eye. See Public Lands. along the Potomac Bridge, . . 805 ac; donating pulglic lands, not mineral, 503 surveys and estimates to be approvor urposes 0 d b S I. Agricultura${)epu1T1na1z}, drgws of 805 appropriations for, _ ... 691 the Potomac, .. 805 _ See Department <y”AgnculLure. parts of streets occupied by road to be Agricultural, &c., he-hools, _ _ kept in good repair by company, . 805 treaty provisions for establishing among track, where to be laid, ... 805 tlhc indians. See the several Indian speed of travel, how regulated, 805 reaties. `l'ta f d tt b 'trf d Agricultural Society. S60 United States Agri- mytitli? g . ff. 806 cultural company may hold real and personal e . Agrzcultural :S'tatzstzcs, tate, . . 806 appropriation for, and how expepdpdégb légi Ahmac; takes effect frrzpgts p;x]ssag;,.: . . . 806 , n na, Loudon, an amp. are {adroa , Agriculture, , may extend and use a branch road 128 act to establish a department of} ... 387 regulations, proceedings, land damages, 128 designs and duties of the department,. . 387 Aliens, commissioner o . .. . . 387 honombly discharged nom military sergerm of office, salary, &c., vice, may] 'tiecome citizens tyrighout uties .. previous ec aration on proc 0 one annual and special reports,. .. . 388 year’s residence, . . ... 597 to have charge of certain property, 388 proof of honorable discharge reto expend certain appropriations, . . 388 _ quired, ... 597 to have franking privilege, 888 Almumy, may appoint chief clerk, &c., .. 388 provisions as to, in District of Columbia, 60 salary and duty of chief clerk, BBB Allqqiancc, Oath o/Q may employ chemists, botanists,&c., 388 to be taken by cadets, .. . . ,288 oath of office, 388 form ot} ,. . .. 288 bond oi and of chief clerk, 388 to be taken by those in civil service of investigations for promoting, appropria- government, .. 826, 327,_502, 701 A d ig;-(2,18 lor, .. 350 to be paken by rfnasiters of Amorécan 354 i es amp vesse s c caring or orcign ports c. , three, to jhe taken from captains, for _ _ ) ’ 610 each ma,]or·gcneral, .,.. . . . . 280 who may administer, 354, 610 two, to be talgen trom lieutenants, for penalty for violation of oath,.. 354, 610 each brigadier-general, ...,. 280 to be taken by county constables of appointment of additional, authorized,. . 314 Wasininipton ounty, D. C.,. 803 rank, pay, and allowances, 314 Albtment Cert: pales, when to be discharged,. .. 314 act to provlde for, ssmong volunteers,. . 831 officers of regular army appointed, President to appoint commissioners for to retain rank, &c., . 314 each State, 331 ‘