288 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 42. 1861. with the same limitations; shall be instructed in and perform the same duties, and be liable to serve in the same way, and shall have their vehicles, pontons, tools, implements, arms, and other supplies, regulated in the Hcwwmpossq, same manner as the existing engineer company; and each of the fomcompanies of engineer soldiers shall hereafter be composed of ten sergeants, ten corporals, two musicians, sixty-four privates of the first class, or artificers, and sixty-four privates of the second class, in all one hundred and fifty men each. Medical cadets Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That there be added to the medical %“m“mw stalf of the army a corps of medical cadets, whose duty it shall be to act as dressers in the general hospitals and as ambulance attendants in the Held, under the direction and control of the medical officers alone. Bank, p•y,·_ They shall have the same rank and pay as the military cadets at West $*g‘b°’q£;°l’6" Point. Their number shall be regulated by the exigencies of service, at °°°’ no time to exceed nity. It shall be composed of young men of liberal education, students of medicine, between the ages of eighteen and twenty- three, who have been reading medicine for two years, and have attended at least one course of lectures in a medical college. They shall enlist for one year, and be subject to the rules and articles of war. On the Gfteenth day of the last month of their service, the near approach of their discharge shall be reported to the surgeon-general, in order, if desired, that they ma be relieved by another detail of applicants. Female nurses. gse. 6. And be it jimhef enacted, That in general or permanent hospitals female nurses may be substituted for soldiers, when, in the opinion of the stirgeomgeneral or medical officer in charge, it is expedient to do so; the number of female nurses to be indicated by the surgeomgeneral or surgeon in charge of the hospital. The nurses so employed to receive forty cents a day and one ration in kind, or by commutation, in lieu of all emoluments except transportation in kind. Ghapmns. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That one chaplain shall be allowed .4n¢s,p.270. to each regiment of the army, to be selected and appointed as the Previso. President may direct: Provided, That none but regularly ordained Pod, p. 595. ministers of some Christian denomination shall be eligible to selection or appointment. cams www SEO. 8. And be it farther enacted, That no. cadet, who has been or eddedeisntnot shall hereafter be reported as deficient, either in conduct or studies, and gh ¤‘¤¤PP°i¤'>- recommended to be discharged from the academy, shall be returned or ' reappointed, or appointed to any place in the army before his class shall have left the academy and received their commissions, unless upon the recommendation of the academic board of the academy: Provided, That Allcadetsto all cadets now in the-service, or hereafter entering the Military Academy
- ·'*• um °**l'· at West Point, shall be called on to take and subscribe the following oath:
" I, A. B., do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United_States, and bear true allegiance to the National Government; Fqgm of 0;;;,, that I will maintain and defend the sovereignty of the United States paramount to any and all allegiance, sovereignty, or fealty I may owe to any State, county, or country whatsoever; and that I will at all times obey the legal orders of my superior officers and the rules and articles Mm ofre- governing the armies of the United States/’ And any cadet or candif¤¤•i*¤ l-¤l¢¢¤Mh· date for admission who shall reiiise to take this oath shall be dismissed O frogn the service. ¤\‘¢¤i¤¤·¤‘¤ E0. 9. And be it fimher enacted, That the three months' extra gmwmfd allowed by the twenty-ninth section of the act of the fifth of Jiilg mega h 162 eighteen hundred and thirtyeight, for rerenlistments under certain condi- 5 N ·° · • tions, the bounty granted by the third section of the act of the seventeenth
311; giggsggghtgwn hunndred and iift% ::01- e)nl1stnients at regote and disttalnt
i · i - e pre mm now or rm acce recruits to e vg; i";)°· rendezvous, be and they are her§l;y·abolished?mg P P" ‘ Sec. 10. And be it fw·¢her enacted, That hereafter two dollars per