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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/319

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THIR.TY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 42. 1861. 289 month shall be rctsinccl out of the monthly pay of each enlisted man in $2 ¤_¤¤¤¤ll1 W the regular army until the expiration of his term of service, instead of E? ";"}m°d mu one dollar per month, as authorized by existing laws. [lgcplzhlcd Pon, Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That in all cases of enlistment and 1·- 5**5-] 1 1-o.enlistment in the military service of the United States the prescribed WM ’““Y **1,2 oath of allegiance may be administered by any commissioned officer of Ki;;?;?,;'::`,;;. the army. diem. Sec. 12. And be it further enactc¢L That the two regiments of dragoons, Drugoons, the regiment of mounted riflemen, and the two regiments of cavalry, shall m°“¤***d Mfhereafter be known and recogizcd as the first, second, third, fourth, and 3°£gi,2,°L$;:€L'y’ Mh regiments of cavalry, respectively; the officers thereof to retain their c¤vulry· present relative rank, and to be promoted as of one arm of service, ac- PNS9M ¤$t<=¤ cording to existing law and established usage and regulation. Qurimn lm"` Ssc. 13. And be it further enacted, That the army ration shall be. increased as follows, viz.: Twenty-two ounces of bread or flour, or one i,,;;;,?,; ;?]°°’ pound of hard bread, instead of the present issue; fresh beef shall be issued as often as the commanding-officer of any detachment or regiment shall require it, when practicable, in place of salt meat; beans and rice or hominy shall he issued in the same ration in the proportions now provided by the regulation, and one pound of potatoes per man shall be issued at least three times a. week, if practicable ; and when these articles cannot be issued in these proportions, an equivalent in value shall be issued in some other proper food, and a ration of tea may be substituted for a ration of coE'ee upon the requisition of the proper otiieer: Provided, P¤<>vi¤<>· That after the present insurrection shall cease, the ration shall be as provided by law and regulations on the first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That there may be allowed in Aliowanceto hospitals, to be provided under such rules as the surgeon-general of the h°SP"’l“· army, with the approval of the Secretary of War, may prescribe, such quantities of fresh or preserved fruits, milk or butter, and of eggs, as may be necessary for the proper diet of the sick. _ Sec. 15. And he it further enacted, That any commissioned officer of °‘;,’j· the army, or of the marine corps, who shall have served as such for forty cm 0(thegmy consecutive years, may, upon his own application to the President of the and marinocorps United States, be placed upon the list of retired officers, with the pay and £“51g‘;;:2;;‘;{_ emoluments allowed by this act. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That if any commissioned officer (g,,,,,,,,;,,;,,,,,,; of the army, or of the marine corps, shall have become, or shall hereafter officersivf the ¤r· become, incapable of performing the duties of his office, he shall be placed upon the retired list and withdrawn from active service and command tated,tc bereand from the line of promotion, with the following pay and emoluments, *"‘°d· namely : the pay proper of the highest rank held by him at the time of Pwhis retirement, whether by staff or regimental commission, and four rations per day, and without any other pay, emoluments, or allowances; and the next officer in rank shall be promoted to the place of the retired Promotions. officer, according to the established rules of the service. And the same mle of promotion shall he applied successively to the vacancies consequent Pmvism upon the retirement of an officer: Provided, That should the brevet lieu- Bmw Lieutenant-general be retired under this act, it shall be without reduction in m,,,,,,,_G,,,,,,]_ his current pay, subsistence, or allowances: And pmvzded further, That Limit chewed ilmre shall not be on the retired list at any one time more than seven per ust_ centum of the whole number of officers of the army, as fixed by law. SEG· 17. And be it further enacted, That, in order to carry out the W§Iec(rlet§ry of pwvisions of this act, the Secretary of War, or Secretary of the- Navy, may assenfm A 38 the case may be, under the direction and approval of the President of bqmi m deter, the United States, shall, from time to time, as occasion may require, as— ;g;¤0'g¤:H;lé;*;l:jlsemble aboard of not more than nine, nor less than live commissioned officers, twohfths of whom shall be of the mediml stall`; the board, ex— vox,. nm. Pen.-37