THIRTY-·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Szss. I. Ch. 45. 1861. 293 lime, thirty cents per one hundred pounds ; on saltpetre, crude, one cent per pound: refined, or partially reéncd, two cents per pound; spirits of tu1‘pcm;ine,t»cn cents per gallon ; on oil of cloves, seventy cents per pound ; cn brandy, one dollar and twenty-five cents per gallon; on spirits distilled from grain, or other materials, fifty cents per gallon ; on gum copal, and other gums or resiuous substances used for the same or similar purposes as gum ccpal, ten cents per pound. Sm:. 2. And be it further enacted', That, from and after the day and Adv,,iO,€m du. year aforesaid, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the importa- FM <>¤ ¢¤r¢¤i¤ mm of the articles bcreinafcsr mentioned, the following duties, that is to "“p°'°°' say : On arr0w·r00t, twenty per centum ad valcrem ; on ginger, preserved or pickled, thirty pcr centum ad valorem ; on limes, lemons, oranges, bananas, and plautains, twenty per centum ad valorem; ou Peruvian bark, fifteen per centum ad valorcm ; on quiuiuc, thirty per centum ad valorem ; on rags, of whatever material, ten per centum ad valorem; 0n guupowder, thirty per centum ad valorem; 011 feathers and downs, thirty per centum ad valoreing on hides, ten per centum ad valorcm; on sole and bend leather, thirty per centum ad valorem; on I[n dia rubber, raw or unmanufactured, ten per centum ad valorem; on IEn]dia-rubber shoes and boots, thirty per centum ad valorcm ; on ivory, unmanufactured, and on vegetable ivory, ten per centum ad valorcm; on wines of all kinds, fifty per centum ad valorem; on silk in the gum, not more advanced iu the manufacture than single tram and thrown or orgauziue, twenty-tive per centum ad valorem ; on all silks valued at not over one dollar per square yard, thirty per centum ad valorem; on all silks valued over one dollar per square yard, forty per centum ad valorem ; on all silk vclvets or velvets of which silk is the component material of chief value, valued at three dollars per square yard, or under, thirty per centum ad valorcmg valued at over three dollars per square yard, forty per centum ad valorcm; on floss silks, thirty per centum ad valorem; 011 silk ribbons, galloons, braids, fiinges, laces, tasscls, buttons, button-cloths, trimmings, and 011 silk twist, twist composed of mohair and silk, sewing silk in gum or purified, and all other manufactures of silk, or of which silk shall be the component material of chief value, not otherwise provided for, forty per centum ad valorum. SBC. 3. And be it further enacted, That all articles, goods, wares, and certain mum merchandise, imported from beyond the Cape of Good Hope in foreign i*PP°*'*€d ip {OY- vessels, not entitled by reciprocal treaties to be exempt from discrimi- ggllczifligussfldi mating duties, tonnage, and other charges, and all other articles, goods, tional duty. wares, and merchandise not imported direct from the place of their growth or production, or in foreign vessels, entitled by reciprocal treaties to be exempt from discriminating duties, tonnage, and other charges, shall bc subject to pay, in addition to the duties imposed by this act, ten per centum ad valoremz Provides0L That this rule shall not apply to goods, Pmviso. wares, and merchandise imported from beyond the Cape of Good Hope in American vessels. S20. 4. And be it jlcrdzer enacted, That, from and after the passage of this act, there shall be allowed, on all articles wholly manufactured of materials imported, on which duties have been paid when exported, a draw- Drgswbatclaou back, equal in amount to the duty paid on such materials and no more, to °°};Q2;r ° °S‘ be ascertained under such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury : Provided, That ben per centum cu the amount of 10 per cent. no RU drawbacks, so allowed, shall be retained for the use of the United be “’““”€d· States by the collectors paying such drawbacks, respectively. SEC- 5. And be it further enacted, That all goods, wares, and mercham Cegztain goods {BSB, Bctually ou shipboard and bound to the United States, and all goods, gg Sl;:)I:it;*;‘:1';iv;;‘€‘} Wares, and merchandise, on deposin in warehouses or public stores at the hmges, &c_, to date of the passage of this act, shall be subject to pay such duties as {pro- pay fogmcr me vided by law before and at the time of the passage of this act: Provzded, °f d“°”°s‘
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