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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/324

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294 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 45. 1861. That all goods deposited in public store orbonded warehouse after this act takes effect and goes into operation, if designed for consumption in the United States, must be withdrawn therefrom, or the duties thereon paid in Duties on three months after the same are deposited, and goods designed for exl°°”d*?‘l S°°d* *° portation and consumption in foreigrrcountries may be withdrawn by the be paid in three . mmm_ ,,2 &c_ owner at any time before the expiration of three years after the same are deposited, such goods, if not withdrawn in three years, to be regarded as abandoned to the government, and sold under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, and the proceeds paid into the Pi-oviso. Treasury: Provided, That merchandise upon which the owner may have neglected to pay duties within three months from the time of its deposit may be withdrawn and entered for consumption at any time within two years of the time of its deposit upon the payment of the legal duties, with Fvrther pw- an addition of twenty-nve per centum thereto : Provided, also, That mer- "l“°‘ chandisaupon which duties have been paid, if exported to a foreignicounl{1B¢1>¤¤-l¤<l» $62, try, within three years, shall be entitled to return duties, proper evidence §,,;,,??· 5%,, ‘ of such merchandise having been landed abroad to be furnished to the cpllector by the importer, one per centum of said duties to be retained by t e government. Ammdmem Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the act entitled “An Act to pgaé:t_}8pé,p;.i;2, provide for the payment of outstanding treasury notes, to authorize 2, 15, i9,»22’•23j »loan, to regulate and dx the duties on imports, and for other purposes, Ange, ,,_ gg_ approved March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be, and the same is hereby amended, as follows-—that is to say, First, in section six, article first, after the words “ in cordials and," strike out “liquors," and insert " liqueurs ; “Second, in the same section, after the word “ represent " insert “Provided, also, That no lower rate or amount of duty shdll be levied, ephectgdxand pagd ein lbrapdy,fspi;·:lts,§1nd allothep Enrituousfbkeveraves, an ia now xe y aw or e escrnption o rst proo ut shall be increased in proportion for any greater strength than the strehgth of first proof ;” Third, in section seven, clause fifth, the words " on screws, washed or plated, and all other screws, of iron or any other metal,” shall be stricken out, and the words " on screws, of any other metal than 1ron," shall be inserted; Fourth, section twelve, article first, after the words ‘f eighteen cents," where they first occur, insert " or less ; " Fifthé sect10x; Lhirteen, grgclehsecond; after the word =¢ manufacgum,-,” jusert excep osiery; ixt , in the same section article third strike out "wool," wherever it occurs, and insert in each place "woi:sted;" Seventh, m section fourteen, article first, after the words " ten per centum," insert " ad valorem ;" Eighth, in section fifteen, before the word ¢¢ 19ec 79 ° · · _ yarns insert hemp; in the same section after the word " sheetmgs " npsert “ of flax or hemp ;" and strike out “jiite goods," and in lieu thereo insert “jute yarns · “Ninth in section twenty-two strike out the words “unwrought clay, th,ree dollahs per ton; “Tenth , in section nineteen strike out “ compositions of glass or paste, not set; intended for use by Jewellers;" Eleventh, in section twenty-two, strike out " compositions of glass or paste, when set;" Twelfth, in section twenty-three, article sheathing metal, strike out " yard " and insert “ foot." _ Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That all acts and parts of acts remiggeslrnz gignaptdtotplge prpvisxons of this act be, and the same are hereby, repealed; t rovi e , at the existing laws shall extend to and be in force for the hggvigglrscziag collection of the duties imposed by this act, for fhe prosecution and pun- ,,0,,, &c_ ishrnent of all offences, and for the recovery, collection, distribution, and remission of all nfines, penalties, and forfeitures, as fully and eifectually as it every regulation, penalty, forfeiture, provision, clause, matter, and thing to thatdegecthin the existing laws contained, had been inserted in and re— _ enacte y this act. mggggiooigfhga Sec. S. And bait further enacted, That a direct tax of twenty millions ,pp,,m,,,,Bd_ of dollars be and is hereby annually laid upon the United States, and the