THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 46. 1861. 313 him, may and shall, until a successor shall be appointed, discharge all the duties of said collector, and for whose conduct, in case of the death of the collector, his estate shall be responsible to the United States. Ammovno, August 5, 1861. CHL!. XLVI. ——An Act supplementary to an Act entitled "An Ad to authorize a Na- August 5,18Q]. tional Loan, and for other Purposes." Bc it enacted by the Senate and Jfousc of Representatives of the United Ante, ;i.(h59.` Slate: of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to issue bonds of the United States, bearing in- b Six P" °°'¤*; rerest at six per centum per annum, and payable at the pleasure of the ,Q°§§s,’Q°f,fQ,£;Q?g United States after twenty years from date; and if any holder of Treas- in twicnty years, my notes, bearing interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per oentuzn, which may be issued under the authority of the act to authorize Tmwu-y mtu_ a national loan and for other purposes, approved July seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, shall desire to exchange the same for said bonds, the Secretary of the Treasury may, at any time before or at the maturity of said Treasury notes, issue to said holder, in payment thereof, an amount of said bonds equal to the amount which, at the time of such payment or exchange, may be due on said Treasury notes; but no such _ _ bonds shall be issued for a less sum than five hundred dollars, nor shall angzgfggggu the whole amount of such bonds exceed the whole amount of Treasury bond,,, notes bearing seven and three-tenths per centum interest, issued under said act; and any part of the Treasury notes payable on demand, au- Where Treasury thorized by said act, may be made payable by the Assistant Treasurer Qggimgyagfg at Saint Louis, or by the depositary at Cincinnati. P Y ` Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Treasury notes issued Treasury notes, under the provisions of the said act to authorize a national loan, and for h°“' °"°°“‘°d· other purposes, or of any other act now in force authorizing the issue of such notes, shall be signed by the Treasurer of the United States, or by some oilieer of the Treasury Department, designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, for said Treasurer, and countersigned by the Register of the Treasury, or by some officer of the Treasury Department, designated T by the Secretary of the Treasury, for said Register, and no Treasury ”£f“d ”°*l"""° notes, issued under any act, shall require the seal of the Treasury Department. Sec. 3. And be it fnrtherenaatod, That so much of the act to which f Mi}; Feistm this is supplementary as limits the denomination of a portion of the ;§_¤° m Treasury notes authorized by said act at not less than ten dollars, be and Ante, p. 259. is so modified as to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to fix the Past, p. 338. denomination of said notes at not less than five dollars. Sec. 4. And be it jhrtizer enacted, That, in addition to the amount f APP¤'°P1‘i¤*·i<t§¤ heretofore appropriated, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, or so gspxgfgg ° much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay such expenses, commissions, or compensation as may be necessary, in the judgment of the Secretary of the Treasury, to carry into execution the provisions of this act, and of the act to which this is supplementary. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Treasury notes author- Notes on deized by the act to which this is supplementary, of a less denomination ;'gt)“d;BE”£;:b'ig“ than fifty dollars, payable on demand without interest, and not exceed for public ,;,,9,, ing in amount the sum of fifty millions of dollars, shall be receivable in payment of public dues. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the provisions of the act en- Portionsof¤ubtitled "An Act to provide for the better organization of the Treasury, ¤°* ’°" and for the collection, safe·keeping, transfer, and disbursements of the public revenue,” passed August six, eighteen hundred and forty-six, vte4G, ¤h.5%0. be and the same are hereby suspended, so far as to allow the Score- °·"•P‘ ‘ von. xx:. Pun.-40
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