814 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 47, 48. 1861. tary of the Treasury to deposit any of the moneys obtained on any of _ _ the loans now authorized by law, to the credit of the Treasurer of the D°P°¤*!¤¤¤°l· United States, in such solvent specie—paying banks as he may select · Y°“°**’°°"**’“" ami th a a w a b ·u a r- -’ ,,,8 bun e said moneys, so eposi e ,1nay e wi x rawn mm such deposit; for deposit with the regular authorized depositaries, or for the payment of public dues, or paid in redemption of the notes authorized to be issued under this act or the act to which this is supplementary payable on de. md, as may,seem expedient to, or be directed by, the ’Secretary of the asury. S_ S20. 7. And be it jlmiher enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury bon}; §‘;:‘§‘;“t£0 may sell or. negotiate, for any portion of the loan provided for in the ac: years may be_is- to which this is supplementary, bonds payable not more than twenty years °”°d *`°' °°"’¤¤ from date, and bearing interest not exceedinv six per centum per annum seven per cent. . ° . ’
- ,_,,d,_ payable semi-annually, at any rate not less than the equwalent of par, for
the bonds bearing seven per centum interest, authorized by said act. Approved, August 5, 1861. CHAP. XLVII. ·—An Act supplementary io an Act entitled "An Ac! to increase the pres- August 5, 1861. iaptnélggzzgtyd Ezphloiplmmt of the United States," approved July twenty-ninth, eighteen 18 h. 4. . , Aq¢g?§;,g19? Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Represemazwes of the United 1802. ch. 200,§ States of America in Congress assembled, That it shall be lawful for the 19- PW; P- 596- President of the United States, during the existing insurrection and reuif£_‘Q;’_:::p bellion, upon the recommendation of the Lieutenant-General command- ,,,;,;,0,;,,,;, ing the army of the United States, or of any Major-General of the regulanarmy of the United States, commanding forces of the United _’1$$2jl¤· $:55 States in the tield, to appoint such number of aides—de-camp, in ad- ‘ ° *P'dition to thosi new auth¤;.ri?d1l>y lgw, as the exigenlpies of the service may, m e opinion o the resident require · suc aides—de-cam Rank and psy. to bear respectively the rank and authority of captains, majors, lieutenli anbcolonels, or eolonels of the regular army as the President may direct, and to receive the same pay and allowances as nre_ provided by existing laws for officers of cavalry of corresponding rank. The President shall
l>° cause [all apdelsde-camp appointed under this act to be discharged when-
' ever t cy s a cease to be employed in active service and h - duce the number so employed whenever he may deem it expedieiiiengorfo mgdgzlrgzirgcj do. Any officers of the regular army appointed aides-de-camp under Mum to mul; this act, and detached or assigned to duty for service as such, shall upon r•uk,&.c. their discharge resume their positions JH the regular army, and shall be entitled to the same rank and promouon as if they had continued to serve in their own regiments or corps. Approved, August 5, 1861. Angus s,1se1. Cm:. XLVIII. -An Act sqpplemenzary to an Act misled “An Act w protect the Com- '1'8“1“‘°.-®‘_ T meme ¢y"zhe United Slater, and Punish the Crime q/'Pimcy." V°l· ¤¤- P- We Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United odvpggsls States of Anacrica. in Congress asaenibkd, That any vessel or boat which aggression! my shall be built, purchased, litted out in whole or in part, or held for the bg umd M se, purpose of being employed m the commission of any piratical aggression, gm;:"!!;:: wd search, restraint, depredation, or seizure, or in the commission of any other act of piracy, as defined by the law of nations, shall be liable to be
and l;o1:§h}te1:;oz;5iyfpprto(§ the United States] if founld upon
_ 666.8, 1 1 oun in an crt 'tth [`lmted States, whether the same shall haveyagtuallyr ghhgd lllpohn an; pxratical expedition or not, and whether any act of piracy shall have been committed or attempted upon orlfrom such vessel or bout or not; and any such vessel or boat may be adjudged and condemned, if captured by a vessel authorized as hereinafter mentioned, to the use of the United