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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/345

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THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 49, 50, 51. 1861. 315 States and to that of the captors, and if seized by a collector, surveyor, j819· °h· '[lv gr marshal, then to the use of the United States, after due process and § i,,;_ ,,_513_ trial, in like manner as is provided in section four of the act to which this act is supplementary, which section is hereby made in all respects applicable to cases arising under this act. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United €{lm";"l“d°?c°f States be, and hereby is, authorized to instruct the commanders of the g1b;€;g;Eétgd.’ public armed vessels of the United States, and to authorize the com- ¤>¤<·>i¤¤ ¤¤¤1¤ v¤¤— manders of any other armed vessels sailing under the authority of any '°1S‘ letters of marque and reprisal granted by the Congress of the United States, or the commanders of any other suitable vessels, to subdue, seize, take, and, if on the high seas, to send into any port of the United States any vessel or boat built, purchased, fitted out, or held, as in the first section of this act mentioned. S20. 3. And be itfurzker enacted, That the collectors of the several ports Collectors, smof entry, the surveyors of the several ports of delivery, and the marshals :,f£";S;‘];;;‘,“; of the several judicial districts within the United States be and are here- seizeimchvessels, by authorized and required to seihe any and all vessels or boats built, &°· purchased, fitted out, or held as afbresaid, which may be found within their respective ports or districts, and to cause the same to be proceeded against and disposed of as hereinbefore provided. Approved, August 5, 1861. Cun. XLIX. —An Act lo reduce Consullcgr Fee: for Vessels running to or between Foreign August 5, 1861. arts. "_""“""' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That American vessels running Consular fees regularly by weekly or monthly trips, or otherwise, to or between foreign ms °°’*“"‘ "°" ports, shall not be required to pay fees to consuls for more than four trips ` in a year, anything in the law or regulations respecting consular fees to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, August 5, 1861. Cnr. L. — An Ad auikorahng additional Enlistments in the Nazxy of the [Gifted Stale:. August 5, 1861- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stores of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy Enumwm in be, and he hereby is, authorized to cause to be enlisted in the navy of the the Navy, United States, for the term of three years, or during the war, such number of able seamen, ordinary seamen, and boys, as he may judge necessary and proper, to place the entire navy of the United States, and all vessels that may be added to it, in a state of the utmost efficiency for active service. Approved, August 5, 1861. . .— lil ur!herA r0pna` tion artlxe Su rto the Naval Service , CHfirPlhIdIYearA:sdinc;'.';amli;€Ih[#kth, eigrlgeeu hundred- and sixg?iJwo,jd·nd for other Pur- P09C3R Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Naval appro- States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of thirty thousand P"““°““· dollars be, and the same is, hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the completion of the coal depot Kgf’Q{,;:l’°° “° at Key West, Florida, and repairs of the wharf belonging to the same. Mmm bm For the completion of the marine barracks at Charlestown, Massachu- meks at Charles- 89*, fwelve thousand dollars. *°“"“· For the purchase of the right to manufacture and use Coston’s night Coston nigh, signals, twenty thousand dollars: Providerl That the full right to manu- Signing.