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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/350

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320 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 61, 62. 1861. m{¤l_;i>r餤T¤ f¤ which have been or may hereafter be duly taken by both parties {mm GOSH by"§;$f,“° the judgment or decree of any district or circuit court to the Supreme parties, o. trans- Court of the United States, a transcript of the record filed in the Supreme $P’°*°*h°"°°°"d Court of the United States by either party on his appeal may be used on ed by either . m3',,,,, i,,, both appeals; and whenever m such cases one record shall have been, Oy ws m both up- may hereafter be, Bled by either party m the said Supreme Court, both Pm" appeals shall be heard thereon by the court in the samemnnner as if records had been tiled by the appellants in both cases. Federal district Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the district attorney of the

;°>;a*“cE;l: United States of any district in California may transcribe and certify to

gy, gm, ,};,,0,,;, the Supreme Court of the United States the records of the district court m Iemd cases. of his proper district in ull land cases wherein the United States is o EE t f mb yéartm uponh:hich_tapp§ag have lgcen ordmoy be Itsliaeéi to the lSag>reme ecos OHPO me €S;3fl ICGOTSSOCGIC s

,¤*°**P* °*` ’°°· attorney under his hand, and Bled in the Supreme Courtyofume Ilhilteii

` States, shall be taken as true and valid transcripts, to the same intent and purpose as if certided by the clerk of the proper district court; and the Sm, moneys said district attorneys for the districts of California shall be authorized to msyuemploy employ such clerks, not exceeding three m number, as may be necessary °l°' · to transenbe such records, at a compensation, for each of such clerks, not exceeding one hundred and Ef’ty·dollars per month, which shall be paid cut·of the appropriation for special and other extraordinary expenses of Duty oi c],,;,,, California land claims; and it shall be the duty of the clerk of any dis- $¢&¤r¤ m such tmcé court nn Califorlnia, on request of the district attorney of that district, to e iver to him the records in the cases before-mentioned on which appeals have been or may be taken for the purpose of havin them transcribed; and upon refusal or failure to do so, such clerk shall forfeit ty and pay tobthe United States the sum of five thousand dollars for each · 0 ence, to c recovered in an action of debt in an co t f' c t t jurisdiction; and such clerk shall, moreover, be inczipablle- ot? holdrlii); his said office of clerk, or any oilioe under the United States. Armovsn, August 6, 1861. Auwt 6» 1861- Cnr. LXII.—An Ae: m emu n Mm limo Police District fzb DistCol 1862, ch. 181. bin, and to utabllzlt u Police tlwngor. 0 6 I nd J um- P°°"P’ K"' Be it enacted by t/is Senate and Izkusa of Representatives of the Madea States_ of America in Congress assembled, That the Corporations of Pomggrggutgpd Washington and Georgetown, and the county of Washington, outside of um mmm of theslgznttts oi smdgoigporvntioxgz, urelgzfregy constituted, for the purposes of Cl b-,,, n one nsrxc to •* h lj ‘ · · I52h:: m mb. of the District of Columbia.”c ca 6 Gtropc um Police Dmmct Ss¤.2.Andbo£t_furthercnctdTht'm d’tl h . o sage of this act, andlthereafter fntmctiine tg tiiner:1 isuieeqiiirzloby ttliis latest, wE(o¤°t:‘:;l§1•£wt“h§ret§:dll:ge applomtcd by the President of the United States, by and 3,; g,,,, q,,,,,,,,,, Mw Bhal;1b61§8a;1big:fon)si<=;1ci; of otlheb Senmez ge Couimnssioners of Police, end who shall severally possess anderigrform tl}1ifx?eiii)xlifi‘ile€gi:i(ei·sI;r:i;lrl‘dtdtres authorized and enjoined by this act. The said commissioners, together

:;1:lQ¥;>lLs0;:dth)e pcgties of 'iglashingtont nucl Gelorgetown, ex odicio,

1 or e sm‘ Quorum. shall constitute a quorum of such board for $1: iiiaiiglaciiolnmggrlinisiixfeslsf m A l 115:10. 3. And be itfurthsr enaeteah That three of said commissioners ppomunent. gud 0:: epproxttml érlomtythe city of Vgashington, cine from Georgetown _ _ o as mv n at arge or the term of three Term olcmoo. yxzzgd unlnl their successors ere nppointed and ,quo.lified, unless sooner mm and glu: asresxdent; (The saiddc<;)mm1ssioners shall meet at such _ may e esngnate y the President of the Un'ted How quahnsd. States 5 and after being duly qualified, by taking and subscribing an ciath