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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/351

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THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 62. 1861. 321 or affirmation before some person duly authorized to administer oaths in said District, to support the Constitution of the United States, and faithfully to discharge the duties of his office, shall proceed to discharge such duties as [are] prescribed by this act. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the officers of the board of ofH<=9¤ Ofbvafd police shall be a president and a treasurer, who shall each be selected °f p°h°°‘ from among said commissioners by themselves, who shall discharge such duties as the board may prescribe. The treasurer shall give a bond, with B°¤d °f¤'°”¤· two sureties, to the satisfaction of said board, in the penal sum of ten m' thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office. The board may also appoint a clerk, to hold his office during the pleasure of Cmki ¤*‘·l¤¤Y• the board, and to receive a compensation to be fixed by the board, not to exceed the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, and who shall perform such duties as may be required by said board of police. Src. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the board Duty of board of police hereby constituted, at all times of the day and night, within the °f P°l‘°°* boundaries of the said police district, to preserve the public peace; to prevent crime, and arrest offenders; to protect the rights of persons and of property; to guard the public health; to preserve order at every public election; to remove nuisances existing in the public streets, roads, alleys, highways, and other places ; to provide a proper police force at every fire, in order that thereby the firemen and property may be protected; to protect strangers and travellers at steamboat and ship landings and railway stations; to see that all laws relating to the observance of Sunday, and regarding pawnbrokers, mock auctions, elections, gambling, intemperance, lottery dealers, vagrants, disorderly persons, and the public health, are promptly enforced, and to enforce and obey all laws and ordinances of the city councils of the cities of Washington and Georgetown which are properly applicable to police or health, and not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. _ Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the duties of the board of po- Board may pw, lice shall be more especially executed under the direction and control of Wlés Md WSH13- said board, and according to rules and regulations which it is hereby au- mus' thorized to pass, from time to time, for the proper government and discipline of its subordinate officers, by a police force for the whole of said Police may act police district, and authorized to do duty in any part thereoh without re- g;;g;‘§tl‘°“° the gard to residence or corporation lines. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the said police force shall con- Police force, of sist of a superintendent of police, ten sergeants of police, and such num- what °° "°“““‘ ber of police patrolmen as the board may deem necessary, not exceeding, for the regular service, one hundred and fifty. The said offices hereby 0,:,;,,,,,,;,,,,, created for the said police force shall be severally filled by appointment appointed; te¤· from the board of police ; and each person so appointed shall hold office ‘“`“ °f °m°°‘ only during such time as he shall faithfully observe and execute all the rules and regulations of the said board, the laws of the United States, and the laws or ordinances existing within the District, enacted by the city or county authorities within the same, and which laws or ordinances apply to such part of the District where the members of the police force may be on dut . Sec? 8. And be it further enacted That the qualifications, enumeration, (2,,,,;;;,;,,,,;,,,,,,, and distribution of duties, mode of trial, and removal from office, of each gluties, removal, officer of said police force shall be particularly defined and prescribed by °· rules and regulations of the board of police, in accordance with the Qonstitution and laws of the United States applicable thereto: Provided, Proviso. however, That no person shall be so appointed to office, or hold office in the police force aforesaid, who cannot read and write the English language, or who is not a citizen of the United States, or who shall ever have been . indicted and convicted of crime : And provided, That no person shall be P¥'°“¤°· removed therenom except upon written charges preferred against hun to vox,. xix. Pm;.-41