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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/352

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822 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 62. 1861. the board of police, and after an opportunity shall have been afforded him of being heard in his defence. Auchorityof Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the members of the said po- P°li°°· lice force shall possess, in every part of the District of Columbia, all tha common law and statutory powers of constables, except for the service of Pom w Bm, civil process; and any warrant for search or arrest, issued by any magiswarrant:. trnte of said District of Columbia, may be executed in any part of said district by any member of said police force, without any backing or indorsement of the said warrant, and according to the terms thereof ; and Bail. all the provisions of law in relation to the giving and taking of bail in said district shall apply to this act. The superintendent of police and In cases onus- the sergeants of police, having just cause to suspect that any felony has P°°°°d f°l°"-Y· been, or is being, or is about to be, committed within any building, or on board of any ship,"boat or vessel within the said district, may enter upon the same at all hours of day or night, to take all necessary measures for the effectual prevention or detection of all felonies, and may take then and there into custody all persons suspected of being concerned in such felonies, and also may take charge of all property which he or they shall have then and there just cause to suspect has been stolen. Districtmay be Sec. I0. And be it further enacted, That the board of police may divide dS"id°d *¤*°P¤`°· the said district into precincts, not exceeding ten, and may assign one °m°' sergeant of police to each of said precincts. The board may, from time to time, establish a station or sub—station in each precinct for the accom- Stations, ds- modation of the police force on duty therein. It may, from time to time, mls fw d“‘-7· detail and change, without regard to or limitation of residence, the sergeants or patrolmcn to such parts of the district, or to such of the police or criminal courts, and to the public offices of the Government of the United States, or of the cities of Washington and Georgetown, as it may Orders how deem advisable. It shall promulgate all regulations and orders through P‘g‘““l$’*°d· the superintendent of police, who shall take the place of the Mayor of upermtondent . . . . ,,,~ ,,,1;%, mu,,,,.. the city of Washington or Georgetown, as being the head of the police i*¥»&c. oil departments or force in the said cities, but always subject to the orders and regulations of the board of police; and it shall be the duty of the police force to respect and obey the said superintendent of police, as the head and chief of the same, subject to the rules and regulations and general orders of the board of police. Board of polico Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the board of police, when- Qlg:;'}P:,:{r:‘}: ever it shall see fit, shall, on the application of any person or persons, men, showing the necessity thereof, appoint and swear any additional number of patrolmen to duty at any place within the said district, at the charge at ,,,],0,, Bx_ and expense of the person or persons by whom the application shall be pons¤,&e. made, (but not to exceed the yearly sum provided for patrolmen of the force provided by this act as the general police force,) and the patrolmen so appointed shall be subject to the orders of the board of police, and shall o"ey the rules and regulations of the board, and conform to its general discipline and to such other special regulations as mu y be made, and shall wear such dress or emblem as the board may direct, and shall, during the term of their holding appointment, possess all the powers, privilegcs, and duties of the patrol force heretofore prescribed. The persons so employed may be removed at any time by the board of police, without assigning cause thereof; upon one month's notice of the intention so to do, givlpn to the person or persons who applied for the appointment aforesai . Special patrol- Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the board of police may also, g'r;!:;:°W°*° ****1 upon any emergency of riot, pestilence, invasion, insurrection, or during any day of public election, ceremony or celebration, appoint as many special patrolmen, without pay, fiom among the citizens as it may deem advisable, and for a specified time, and during the term of service of such special patrolmen, he shall possess all the powers and privileges, and per-