824 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 62. 1861. together with the name of the party arrested, the oH`ence, the place of arrest, and the place of detention. The board of police shall provide _Acccmm¤d¤· suitable accommodations within said district for the detention of witnesggg §Q:°0{‘Q;,;°;;°;‘; who are unable to furnish security for their appearance in criminal pro. ` ceedings, and such accommodations shall be in premises other than those employed for the confinement of those charged with crime, fraud, or disorderly conduct; and it shall be the duty of all magistrates, in committing witnesses, to have regard to the rules and regulations of the board of police in reference to their detention. T¤1¤sr¤r>Y¤i¤¤p· Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That all telegraphic apparatus, }l‘;"‘;{Q2e“;;:p*;‘;,' public police property, books, records, and accoutrements, now in the to be for use my possession of the police departments of the cities of Washington and b°¤¤`d of P°U°°· Georgetown, are hereby given for the use of the board of police herein authorized; but the ownership of the same, and the use thereof as aforesaid, shall be according to the laws or ordinances which the city councils of said cities, respectively, in which said property is situated have enacted or may hereafter enact. Expense, of Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That the necessary expenses in- ¤imi¤¤\ Df¤¢¢¤¤, curred in the execution of criminal processes within the said district shall h°w b°m°' be chargeable to the United States, as under existing laws. 30,,,4 of Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That the Board of Health, or Health my ¢9ll proper health officer of the city of Waslnington or of Georgetown, shall °" P°1‘°° f°' °‘d‘ have power to call upon any of the police force of the District to a number not exceeding six, to aid him, upon any necessary emergency, in enforcing the powers and duties conferred upon their office by law; and it shall be the duty of any such number of police so called upon to obey Limit of such him; but such service shall not continue longer than twenty-four hours. ”°"‘°°‘ The board of police shall at all times, cause the ordinances and laws Ordimmcesand of the cities of Washington and Georgetown to be properly enforced; l.;{2:£“ *° "° °“' and it shall be the duty of said board, at all times, when consistent with the rules and regulations of the board, and with the requirements of this act, to furnish all information desired and comply with all requests made by the city councils of said cities, or by the mayors thereofl Board of police Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That the board of police is hereby
- `J;;
- ££*;m’:i& invested with all the powers now conferred by levy upon the mayors of
,,;,1* th, ,,;,,,1 ,,,,_ Washington or of Georgetown in respect to ordering military assistance thoritien. in aid of the civil authorities to quell riots, suppress insurrection, protect the property, and preserve the public tranquillity. The board of police shall have power to issue subpoenas, attested in the name of its president, May compost- to compel before it the attendance of witnesses upon any proceeding au-
- 2
- :* °* ‘"**‘ thorized by its rules and regulations. Each commissioner of police, the
superintendent of police, and the clerk of the board of police, are hereby 5W1m may ,.1. given power to administer, take, receive, and subscribe all anirmations and g;*35:*°¤'» &°·» oaths to any witnesses summoned and appearing in any matter or pro— ' ceeding authorized, as aforesaid, and to any depositions necessary by the rules and regulations of the board of police. Any willnl and corrupt what shall be false swearing by any witness or person making deposition before any of mma"' the officers last mentioned, to any material fact in any necessary proceeding under the said rules and regulations, shall be deemed perjury, and punished in the manner now prescribed by law for such offence. _ Penalty for us. SEO. 21. And be it further enacted, That it shall be a misdemeanor,
- gg°g°;‘g‘;*l;
- °‘ punishable by imprisonment in the county jail or penitentiary not exceed—
mom 0,- ,m,,,‘¥. ing two years, or by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, for any g;r¤f the police, person without justifiable or excusable cause, to use personal violence ‘ upon any elector in said district, or upon any member of the policd force thereof when in the discharge of his duty, or for any such member to neglect making any arrest for an offence against the law of the United States committed in his presence, or for any person, not a member of the police force, to falsely represent himself as being such member, with a fraudulent design.