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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/355

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 62. 1861. 325 Sec. 22. And be it further enacted, That the treasurer of the board _P'!}' °f°°’“‘ of police shall receive a stated salary of six hundred dollars per annum, Elféioggglifasl and each commissioner shall receive an allowance of five dollars per day tendent, ouicem for each day of actual attendance upon the meetings or business of the "“d "‘°"· board, not to exceed, however, to each commissioner (the treasurer excepted) two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; and no other compensation shall be paid or allowed to the members of the board. The superintendent of police shall receive a. salary of fifteen hundred dollars per annum, each sergeant of police six hundred dollars per annum, and each police patrolman forty dollars per month, as compensation for their services, respectively. Sec. 23. And be it farther enacted, That from and after the first meet- Auxiliary ing of the board of police, under the provisions of this act, it shall possess §,‘;‘“'d ”‘b° ‘$h"dv all the power and authority heretofore conferred by law upon the aux- ° iliary guard of the city of Wasliington, established by an act entitled “An Act to establish an auxiliary watch for the protection of public and private property in the city of W'ashington," approved August twenty- three, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and all acts in amendment thereto, ,184% Ch' 184* and said auxiliary guard or watch is hereby abolished; and said board Y°l' v' P1 5H' of police shall also possess all the power and authority heretofore con- b A“ih°”tY.°f . . card of police. {erred by law upon the mayor or any other officer or officers of the cities of Washington and Georgetown respectively, as the heads therein of the respective police departments or organizations of those cities, which power or authority shall relate to or in any way be connected with the police government or police discipline within either of said cities; and from and after the said first meeting and due organization of said board of police, the duty and authority and power of each and all of the aforementioned officers in relation to the police government, appointment, and discipline, shall wholly cease and vest as aforesaid in the said board of police constituted by this act, except that the mayors of lVashington and Georgetown shall be, with the commissioners, members ex-officio of the board of police, and entitled to one vote each at every session thereof when present at its meetings. Sec. 24. And be it further enacted, That the superintendent of police ofS:%*;¤j*;*¤°¤d°,;¤* shall make to the board of police quarterly reports in writing of the state q,,§,w,ly$e1;s,.,,_€ of the police district, with such statistics and suggestions as he may deem advisable for the improvement of the police government and discipline of said district; and the board of police shall annually, on or before the a¤§3:;";:°O;‘°k° first Monday in November, report in writing the condition of the police p ' within said district to the Secretary of the Interior. Sec. 25. And Zve it further enacted, That no member of the board of BOM? vfpvlice police, or of the police force, shall receive or share in, for his own benefit, ::c‘;§,‘;1¥;2g“§:cf° under any pretence whatever, any present, fee, or emolument, for police unless, &c.° ’ services, other than the regular salary and pay provided by this act, except by consent of the board of police. Sec. 26. And be it further enacted, That all rewards, fees, proceeds t R‘°°wa;'iS2&§;v of gifts, and emoluments that may be allowed by the board of police to »?p;({£,;,;,,i, ° be paid and given for extraordinary services of any member of the police fund." force, and all moneys arising from the sale of unclaimed goods, shall constitute the " policeman’s fund," of which the board of police shall be the trustee, and may invest as they shall see fit. And whenever any mem- _ Who may eubcr of the police force, in the actual discharge of his duty, shall become ·l°Y um f““@· bodily disabled, his necessary expenses, on the certificate of a competent surgeon, stating the manner, cause, and condition of the injury, and approved by the board of police, during the time of his disabling, as aforesaid, continues, may become a charge upon the said fund. But the board of police may discontinue said allowance for any satisfactory reason. Sec. 27. And be it further enacted, That the board of police shall re- Bujgfl “’ may q\1lt‘& and make suitable provisions respecting security to be entered into mg wm M