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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/380

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350 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 34. 1862. LE}:-ting G¤Pi· For lighting the Capitol and Presidemfs house, the public grounds t°l’ around them, and around the Executive offices, and Pennsylvania avenue, Bridge and High streets in Georgetown, Four-and·a-half street, Seventh, and Twelfth streets across the mall, fifty thousand dollars. For additional lixtures and lighting and repairing the building and footways of the custom house and post office in Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, two hundred and fifty dollars, or so mdch thereof as may be necessary. Libra of Ex- For purchase of books for library at the Executive Mansion, to be °°¤*i'°%*¤¤l°¤· expended under the direction of the President of the United States, two hundred and fifty dollars. Repair, of For repairs of the Potomac, Navy Yard, and Upper bridges, and the l>¤id8¤¤» ¤V¤¤¤¤¤» roads appurtenant thereto, six thousand dollars. "l“"“* S"' For repairs of Pennsylvania avenue, and watering the same, ten thousand dollars. For public reservation number two and Lafayette square, two thousand dollars. For taking care of the grounds south of the President’s house, and keeping them in order, one thousand dollars. For repairs of water·pipes, five hundred dollars. Sewer traps. For cleaning out the sewer traps on Pennsylvania avenue, and repairing the same, three hundred dollars. For repairs of all the furnaces. under the Capitol, five hundred dollars. For repairing Delaware avenue, north of C. street north, one thousand dollars. For paying one-half of the expenses of sewer traps at the intersection of Fourth street west with E street north, two hundred dollars. Hospital for Government Hospital for the Insane.- For the support, clothing, and

  • l*°I¤”¤°· medical treatment of the insane of the army and navy and of the revenue service, and of the District of Columbia, at the asylum in said District, forty thousand five hundred dollars.

For linishing, furnishing, heating, and lighting of additional accommodations in the east wing, five thousand dollars. For improvements of the grounds about the hospital and farms, two thousand dollars. pmnt 045.,,, Patent Office-For collection of agricultural statistics, investigations A_8\‘§¢¤l*¤1’¤·l for promoting agriculture and rural economy, and the procurement, prop- ""°‘°°°8*&°‘ agation, and distribution of cuttings and seeds, of new and useful varieties, and for the introduction and protection of insectivorous birds, and for Flu and hemp investigations to test the practicability of preparing flax and hemp as a Y'"' °°”°“‘ substitute for cotton, sixty thousand dollars: Provided, hmvever, That in the expenditure of this appropriation, and especially in the selection of Dkhgbuuou of cuttings and seeds for distribution, due regard shall be had to the purposes ¤9¤<l¤ md ¤¤*· of general cultivation and the encouragement of the agricultural and rural (msi" intpgrests of all parts of the United States. copyrights. ‘0I` expenses of receiving, arran 'no, and takin care of coht paooks, charts, and other copyright mgltdi, one thousagid six hundrlglnchmlrs. mn,],,,-;,,,; ,x. Exploring Expeditions.-For preservation of the collections of the p¤¢1¤¤<>¤¤- gxploring and surveying expeditious of the Government, four thousand o ars. Botanic garden. Botanic Garden.- For grading, draining, procuring manure, tools, fuel, and repairs, purchasing trees and shrubs for Botanic Garden, to be expended under the direction of the Library Committee of Congress, three thousand three hundred dollars. For pay of horticulturist and assistants in the Botanic Garden and green-houses, to be expended under the direction of the Library Committee of Congress, Eve thousand one hundred and twenty-one dollars and iiliy cents.