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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/381

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THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 34. 1862. 351 Survey of the Public Lands. - For surveying the public lands, (exclu- H Slfllaiy °fP“b‘ sive of California, Oregon, Waslrington, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska, ° ` Utah, Dakota, Colorado, and Nevada,) including incidental expenses and island surveys in the interior, and all other special and difficult surveys demanding augmented rates, to be apportioned and applied to the several surveying districts according to the exigencies of the public service, including expenses of selecting swamp lands, in addition to the unexpended balances of all former appropriations for the same object, which will be absorbed by work under contract, ten thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands and private land claims in California, to California be disbursed at the rates prescribed by law for the different kinds of work, ten thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands and private land claims in New Mexico, N¤W M¤Xi<=¤· five thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Kansas and Nebraska, also outlines K¤¤$¤$ and of Indian reservations, ten thousand dollars. N°bmka' For salary of the clerk detailed for the special service in the General Clefk °“ sP°°l“l Land Office to attend to the unfinished surveys in the States, where the umm offices of the surveyors general have been closed, two thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Oregon, to be disbursed at the rates Oregon. authorized by law, five thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Washington Territory, at the rates Washington authorized by law, five thousand dollars. Territory. For surveying the public lands in Dakota Territory, Eve thousand dol- Dakota. lars. For surveying the public lands and private land claims condrmed in Colorado. Colorado Territory, Eve thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands and private land claims confirmed in Nevada, Nevada Territory, five thousand dollars. For the necessary expenses in carrying into effect the act of seventeenth 1861,cb-58-M46- July, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and the act of fifth August, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, in addition to the appropriations made by those acts, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For support, care, and medical treatment of forty transient paupers, Transient paumedical and surgical patients, in some proper medical institution in the P“S· city of Washington, to be selected by the Commissioner of Public Buildings, six thousand dollars. To supply a deficiency of appropriation for repairs of the Capitol made Repairs of by W. S. Wood, late Commissioner of Public Buildings, nine hundred and C“P"°1· thirty-four dollars and seventy-eight cents. To enable the Commissioner of Public Buildings to pay for the purchase Presidenvs and repair of plate, and repair of gas-fittings for the President’s house, H°““‘ two thousand six hundred and thirteen dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following sums be and the D¤fi¤i9¤¢Yf¤P· same are hereby in like manner appropriated for the service of the year l°Q§gT”m°°S °r ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-two: For the necessary expenses in carrying into effect the act of seven- 1861,oh.5a¤d46. teenth of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and the act of fifth of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, in addition to the appropriations made by those acts for those objects, one hundred thousand dollars. For amount required for clerks and messenger in the office of the as- Assistant mesistant treasurer at Boston, from first January to thirtieth June, eighteen m25g0n_ hundred and sixty-two, one thousand five hundred dollars. For amount required for clerks, messenger, and watchmen, in the New York, office of the assistant treasurer at New York, from first January to thirtgieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, five thousand two hundred ollars. For amount required for clerks and messenger in the office of the as- gg, Louie.